Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Oval Office Apology

The government is trying to focus all blame on the oil companies for not having plans in place to prevent/clean-up from an offshore oil spill. If you look back on history, there has never been a plan in place. Our government never required a plan be put in place and the government never had a plan of its own.

What about the government response to the spill? Why did the government fail the American public by not overseeing what the inspectors were doing, or in this case not doing. Why did our government wait so long to accept help from other countries? BP screwed up bad on this but only because the government allowed them to.

When aid was offered from Sweden with their large Oil Skimmers, we did not accept their assistance. The government has also refused help form at least 10 other countries including Canada, Mexico and Great Britain. The oil skimmers from Sweden which are some of the largest and most efficient in the world could have helped to clean up so much more of the oil spill. The ships are capable of collecting 50 tons of oil / hour, around 1000 tons/day. Currently the leak spews out 1000 – 1500 tons/day if current estimates are accurate. Just the other day the State Department issued a statement on behalf of the President: "While there is no need right now that the US cannot meet, the US Coast Guard is assessing these offers of assistance to see if there will be something which we will need in the near future," it added. I am telling the government right now – we need the help damn it!

Democrats and Republicans have both aimed some of their criticism at Obama. Rep. Steve Scalise (R-La.) complained about the "incompetent response to this disaster" and said that President Obama had given too much cleanup authority to BP and behaved like "a spectator in the stands." Our President is expected to be a leader and demand answers and solutions. He should be exploring and using any means available including foreign aid to help with this horrible situation.

So I say to our government – to out President - I expect to hear an apology from you to the American public during your Oval Office speech. Our government failed us just as bad as BP. We have plans in place for various other disasters, why not have one for off shore oil spills. I want to express my deepest gratitude to the rest of the world that has offered to help us – we appreciate the offer and we really can use all the help we can get, but our government does not seem to feel the same urgency. I hope when we do finally ask you for help, your offer still stands. – My explosion of thought!

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