Thursday, May 28, 2009

Supreme Qualification

Is Judge Sotomayor a qualified candidate for the Supreme Court, our highest and most esteemed court in the country? You have arguments on both sides for and against her. Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) has said, "There is a risk in anybody voting for anybody just because they’re a woman or because they are African-American or anything about that individual, You should vote for people based on their qualifications, and in case of the justice, their attitudes about the law, and their impartiality.” Remember Grassley voted against Sotomayor’s 1998 nomination to a federal appeals court but voted for Ruth Bader Ginsburg for the Supreme Court in 1993. He commented: "She is just going to look at the law, look at the narrow interpretation of the law, and leave personal bias out of it – that’s what I’ll be looking for. If she convinces me that she can't leave personal biases out of it … then I’m more apt to vote no."

Grassley is correct that personal bias has no room on the Supreme Court. We look up to this court to keep the laws of this land in check and to review them impartially. They have a heavy burden bestowed upon them and it is not a job I would care for. How well do these people sleep at night? Former Florida state House Speaker Marco Rubio, a Spanish speaker of Cuban descent, already has raised concerns about Sotomayor, calling some of her past comments “troubling,” and he could emerge as a high-profile Hispanic Republican critic of her nomination. Rubio from Miami, who's running in the Republican primary against Charlie Crist for U.S. Senate, made the following comment Tuesday: "The role of the Supreme Court is to interpret the Constitution, not to make law. Given this, I am deeply concerned about Judge Sotomayor's past comment that the courts are 'where policy is made' and look forward to hearing her explanation and defense of that view." Of course he only quoted part of her speech. She did say she was saying this jokingly.

Sotomayor, although an able lawyer, was “not that smart and kind of a bully on the bench,” as one former Second Circuit clerk for another judge put it. “She has an inflated opinion of herself, and is domineering during oral arguments, but her questions aren’t penetrating and don’t get to the heart of the issue.” Is this just idle talk or can this really be true of her. She is known to run on lengthily in her conversations and sometimes does not have open ears. As far as her political views, the liberals are banking she is far to the left, but she was appointed by a Conservative Republican President (Bush #1) to the Appeals Court.

Do the Democrats believe they have the market cornered on appointing an Hispanic to a high position in a Judicial Court? Do you remember Miguel Estrada? Estrada is a Latino. That the Republicans would raise him to one of the highest courts in the country proves that Latinos are welcome in the Republican Party too. They do not have to be beholden to Democrats. Sonia Sotomayor, used to serve on the board of LatinoJustice PRLDEF, which was one of the racial grievance groups that helped to put a stop to the judicial nomination of Honduran-born Miguel Estrada in 2003. Democrats in the Senate filibustered the nomination and a worn out Estrada withdrew from consideration in 2003.

Now LatinoJustice PRLDEF, hailed the nomination of Sotomayor on the basis of her ethno-cultural heritage. "As the second largest and fastest growing population in America, with a large pool of qualified individuals to choose from, it was wholly appropriate for the President to nominate a Hispanic." How contradictory.

Also, she actually would not be the first Hispanic to serve on the Supreme Court. Portuguese Jew - Benjamin Nathan Cardozo was a very well-known American lawyer and Supreme Court Justice. He is remembered for his significant influence on the development of American common law during the 20th century. Cardozo served on the Supreme Court from 1932 until his death.

Why do we need another Catholic on the court? Sotomayor went to Catholic schools and would be the sixth Catholic justice on the current Supreme Court. That is if she is, in fact, Catholic, which isn't clear from her biography. Why are so many Catholics appointed to the Supreme Court. We need a Baptist or Protestant to really ensure and more partial judgment.

The most controversial case in which Sotomayor participated is Ricci v. DeStefano, which is an important “reverse discrimination” case brought by a group of firefighters in New Haven, CT. This case is now being reviewed by the Supreme Court. Ricci v. DeStefano, presents recurring issues regarding proper application of Title VII and the Equal Protection Clause to the civil service. New Haven firefighters and lieutenants claim that they should have been promoted based on job-related examinations and merit selection rules mandated by local law. The City of New Haven has thus far refused because city officials believed that the examination and rules may have had a disparate impact on minorities, although testimony did not show this. A panel of judges including Sotomayor ruled against the firefighters in a perfunctory unpublished opinion. I don’t understand reverse discrimination. Discrimination is discrimination no matter who the party is that is being discriminated against. Reverse discrimination technically would be the elimination of discrimination. The Reverse of discriminating would be to not discriminate.

So back to the issue, is she a qualified candidate? She will be appointed, there is no question there. Only time will tell on what type of Justice she will become. It is not her voice alone that will make the decisions that confront this court, it is the opinion and interpretation of our constitution by the combined group of these nine esteemed judges that will determine our fate. Her voice will be but one that will be heard. Her opinion is but one explosion of thought!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Conservatism and American Idol

Taking a look at American Idol, you may be able to deduce that young Americans are more conservative then we realized. Kris Allen a conservative young man from the south won American Idol, no doubt made possible by votes from the fans of Danny Gokey also a conservative young man.

Adam Lambert a nice young man from San Diego,CA, but so much more liberal lost even though his talent level was much greater than Kris’s. He was out spoken and not afraid to step out on a limb with his flamboyant style. Not afraid to admit his sexuality preference. Some say the homophobic American population was to blame for him not winning.

Now wait a minute, many experts have been saying America has become more liberal, more Democrat. Most of the liberals and Democrats are pushing for gay rights and same sex marriages. So is this liberal American Public hypocritical? Give the gays rights but don’t let a gay person win American Idol. Is this the case.

Or it may be that young Americans are much more conservative in their beliefs than what was thought. Maybe the Republicans need a way to tap into this youth and bring them to the party. It is only with the youth of America that the Republicans can become strong and regain their ground. They need to get out there and relate with this youth. The conservative youth of America that chose a conservative young man from the south to win American Idol. Again just my opinion – My Explosion of Thought!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Notre Dame Debacle

We can not blame President Obama for accepting the the invitation to give a commencement speech at Notre Dame this week. The people responsible for creating this mess at the institution are the president of Notre Dame, Father John Jenkins, and the university's trustees who went along with it; not President Obama, or the dozens of outraged bishops across the country.

A few years back the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops issued a statement which states, in part: "The Catholic community and Catholic institutions should not honor those who act in defiance of our fundamental moral principles. They should not be given awards, honors or platforms which would suggest support for their actions." This was a rare mandate but given the score of awards and other honorary certificates bestowed on those with beliefs other than what the church stands for it was rightful.

Many can understand that President Obama's admirers want to try and shield him from the embarrassment of controversy. Then they try to impose politics on the Catholic Church, and demand that reverence to President Obama take precedent over preserving the Catholic identity of Notre Dame, they only succeed in revealing their own biases. There is nothing political about it. It is all about preserving Christianity.

Obama speaks about bringing people together, and the plurality of religious practices that make a great nation, it's some of those who oppose him who use religion to divide. Maybe you need to understand what many people forget – religion is something created by man as an excuse to find a way to heaven – Christianity is what God has given to us in the words of the Bible to guide us to heaven. Christianity is not manmade, it is God given and is offered to each and every one of us. We can be saved if we believe in God and that Jesus Christ was born and died on Calvery’s cross to save us all from eternal damnation. Those who preach religion, using man’s tool do not understand this and I pity them.

Obama said "Is it possible for us to join hands in common effort?" As citizens of a vibrant and varied democracy, how do we engage in vigorous debate? How does each of us remain firm in our principles, and fight for what we consider right, without demonizing those with just as strongly held convictions on the other side?" Maybe we never do, this has been argued for ages, but it is a fact that only one side can be correct. If we are true Christians we can ourselves read the Bible and see for ourselves what Jesus has offered to us.

Do not condemn President Obama for accepting this opportunity. Scold those who offered it to him. Do not condemn President Obama for his beliefs – for those who have not sinned may throw the first stone. Do not condemn President Obama – do not judge unless ye to be judged. For with Judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged (Matt 7:1).

I express these things here not as a Catholic – for some in the Catholic Church have done me wrong – but as a Christian. My faith in the Catholic Church was destroyed many years ago, but my Christianity has remained. What does this great nation suffer from – it suffers from the lack of Christianity – this nation was founded on Christianity. We try and deny it, but look around, look at the writings of our forefathers at the inscriptions on out government buildings and on our money – It is in God we Trust. Respect we give is for the Presidential position, not the man. We can pray that God does truly guide the person in the position as we all should. Trust in your Christianity, not in Religion, that God will guide us through these turmoils and guide the man in the position. It is our lack of Christianity that has moved this country in the wrong direction. Put your faith where it belongs – not with man – but with Jesus Christ. This is my Explosion of Thought!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Report on Our Economy

So the gloomy report of declining sales seems to stump our nation’s economists. Retail sales fell 0.4 percent in April from the previous month, much worse than economists had predicted, they were hoping for at least flat sales. Then when comparing sales with the previous year, April sales dived 10.1 percent. The Commerce Department also revised its earlier estimate for March sales from a drop of 1.1 percent to 1.3 percent. And it seems the American housing market also continues to struggle as well.

Why are they so befuddled? Gasoline prices have shot up over the past few weeks. In my area they have now gone from $1.85/gal. to $2.23/gal. a 17% increase in a little over 2 weeks. At the current cost, this adds about $400 to my yearly commuting cost. Grocery prices have continued to climb; people are still losing their jobs. They are surprised the tax cut in the stimulus package that was just instituted did not do more to help stimulate people to spend more – a paltry $13 roughly per week just about covers the rising cost of gas and groceries.

As I mentioned before, this is a long range project to set things right. The market is still correcting itself and all the bailout money dished out was not well thought out. Now you have GM ready to file for bankruptcy and part of their exit strategy is to job out more work to China and Mexico, which means that the American Auto workers who lost their jobs and others, who will be losing them, will be permanently out of work. These workers will have to be retrained to be able to do other work, it may take a few years to retrain many of them who have done nothing else but work in the Auto Industry. So GM takes our tax money and now wants to eliminate thousands of US jobs. Of course we are partly to blame, going to these other countries the labor cost are much less at under $10/hour compared to some in the industry at $50/hour. Why can’t they work out a deal with the auto workers in this country and look for more streamline ways to manufacture the cars. They ripped off the American people and our government is letting them get away with it. After all it is you and I that will be repaying their debt.

So when will the economy rebound and start moving in the right direction? I am still monitoring the cost of my razor blades, they have not gone down any and they don’t even put them on sale. So I guess we are still in this for the long haul. I am projecting in the 3rd quarter of next year we will see some noticeable movement, based on the history of recessions and of course my opinion – my explosion of thought!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

I want to wish all the Mothers in the USA and around the world a Very Happy and Wonderful Mother's Day! Hope all of you can enjoy this day with your lovely children.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Cutting or Just Shifting

President Obama asked Congress to cut $17 billion from the budget on Thursday. He wants to eliminate 121 federal programs. Many of these cuts have already were already rejected by Obama's allies in Congress, including many programs that Bush, repeatedly tried to end. These cuts amount to about ½ percent of his total budget.
Republicans as well as some others have denounced these proposed reductions as too small. In an attempt to answer criticism that his cuts were but a drop in a bucket, Obama said: "Some of the cuts we're putting forward today are more painful than others. Some are larger than others. In fact a few of the programs we eliminate will produce less than a million dollars in savings. Outside of Washington, that's still a lot of money."

Instead of devoting the savings to help reduce the federal deficits, he is funneling them back into other programs.They are far exceeded by a 2 1/2-inch thick volume detailing Obama's generous increases for many other domestic programs. Despite the administrations efforts to portray itself as tough on waste and spending, the adminstration and the Congress is taking the nation on a course of higher budgets. Even as Obama spoke today, a House panel was adding $9 billion to his war request. Is this cutting - Sounds like it is just shift the money around to me.

There is not real savings being realized here. He is just funneling the saved money into other pet projects and programs of his allies. Many of the cuts he is proposing will be hard to get through congress, they involve programs in large states with lots of backing within Congress. The Gas and oil industry will fight to protect their $26 billion in tax breaks, they have too many people in their pockets (or is supporters more politically correct) on Capital Hill. If they do manage to get this through, who do you think will suffer for it – Us the American Public – in the form of higher gas and oil prices. By the way, did you notice that gas prices have been climbing again. In my area they went up .25 cents a gallon over the past 10 days.

None of these pet programs in congress will be cut unless we the American Public retrain ourselves when voting. We have to stop voting along party lines and start voting for the most honest and best candidate available. Vote for someone who shares all your views and who does not take tons of money from all the special interest groups and corporations. Again just my opinion – My Explosion of Thought!.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Bank Bailout - Jesse Jackson

I don't always see eye to eye with everything Jesse Jackson does or says, sometimes I think he goes off in a direction way out in left field somewhere. But I have to hail his speech he gave Sunday night at the Detroit NAACP's 54th Fight for Freedom Fund Dinner. He is an insightful person and I praise the fact he is not afraid to speak his mind. His criticisism of the federal bailouts to banks, who in turn gave million-dollar bonuses to executives while urban neighborhoods across the US continue to suffer and jobs are being lost, echos my own. We need more Americans and others whose voice can be heard to speak out also.

Friday, May 1, 2009

A Disguised Bailout

The Chrysler second wave bailout - or are they calling it a bankruptcy now - is under way. Chrysler will shed its debt by basically telling the lenders that are not caving to their demands that they are not going to pay them anything. Then once they restructure, the government is giving them another $10 billion dollars more. Why do we keep throwing the taxpayers money at all these companies, we, the taxpayers are going to be paying this back for decades. First the tax cuts in place will be expiring and afterwards you should expect to see about a 8% to 10% increase in the taxes you pay. It may not all come from income taxes, they will spread it out, some from income, some from tax on gasoline, tax on cigarettes and other commodities. In some way or another, the money has to be recouped.

Just think what the govenment could do with that $10 billion, they could give each American Income Taxpayer about $72,000 to go out and spend. Now that would boost the economy much more than giving it to Chrysler. Hell, we could all afford to go by a car from Chrysler and still have money to spend in other places.

We are moving more and more to a Socio-Communist type of environment. The government is getting much too involved in private business and taking control. At some point, I strongly believe, during the ongoing government takeover of Americans’ businesses and wealth, we could wake up in a new country - The Socialist States of America. Democrats and Republicans alike need to take heed.

After all, Joseph Stalin, advocated the following strategy to William Z. Foster, leader of the Communist Party U.S.A.: “Work for more government intervention and control of the business activities of the people. In this way the American people will accept Communism without knowing it.” It was his way of conquering America without a fight - it seems to be working.

We need to allow capitalism to work the way it should without government ownership or bailouts. Who is bailing out the humble middle class and lower income families. The paltry $400 an individual my get spread over weeks of paychecks is an insult and a slap in the face. On top of that they have the tax table screwed up, so you will actually be getting more than that, BUT - you will have to pay the extra back at the end of the year. IF our government can not even get that right - how can we expect them to grasp hold of all these businesses and run them effectively. Again my opinion - my explosion of thought!