Wednesday, September 16, 2009

President Obama on Kanye

Why all the hype over what the PResident said about Kanye. Is is so wrong for him to speak his mind and the truth. There is no excuse for what Kanye did to Taylor Swift ont he the MTV award show. He was outright wrong. Not only was this an embarrassment to Taylor but Beyonce was also embarrassed and shocked. So when the PResident says Kanye was a Jackass - he is only saying with millions of others have already said or are still thinking.

As a public official, you need alwasy to watch what you are saying, so many snoops out in the worls just waiting to latch on to one little slip up(such as the ABC people who reported this). I don't see a need for the President to appologize for this. I believe it would even be ok if he said it directly to Kanye. Kanye has done a lot in the music world, he has so much talent. To do this just tarnishes what he has accomplished. He is a Jackass.

The president's comments were spoken right before an interview for CNBC: "I thought that was really inappropriate," Obama says. "What are you butting in (for)? ... The young lady seems like a perfectly nice person. She's getting her award. What's he doing up there?"

A questioner chimes in, "Why would he do it?"

"He's a jackass," Obama replies, which is met with laughter from several people.

Nothing wrong about this in my book. He spoke his opinion. It was his explosion of thought. Quite frankly I agree with what he said. Kanye's father lives right here in St. Mary's County MD, I wonder what he thinks. I am sure his dad spoke to him about respect.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Remembering 9/11 - Let's Unite and Be Proud Again!

Do you remember what you were doing on 9/11 when the 2 towers fell at the hands of terrorists and so many people perished? I remember - I was living in Las Vegas and I woke up to get ready for work, I felt very strange and I had this feeling that thousands of souls just screamed - it was very strange. Up to this point I never watched TV early in the morning. I told my girlfriend to turn on the TV and see what happening out there. The news was on and within a few minutes the second plane just hit the second tower - it was shocking. No one really new what was happening yet. Then we heard about the Pentagon getting hit. Our country was attacked, Americans were dead.

The brave people on the last plane realized that something was happening and they gave up their lives to keep that final plane from doing harm to others. They died for their country. Ordinary citizens, Brave Americans. So many afterwards trying to rescue people also gave up their lives to save other Americans. Their were bombs bursting in the air and their were Americans that were brave and our flag still stands. Our Star Spangled Banner - still holding true.

The event brought all Americans closer together - it united us. We all stood up and declared we were proud to be Americans and this event would not bring us down. We had a cause and we wantd to show the world we were strong and proud.

Fast forward to today - are we still proud are we still united? Do we remember what happened? Somehow we lost the momentum. We are not acting so united and we are not being so proud. So today I ask all Americans - Let''s remeber - let's stand up and be proud again, let's stand united and show the world we are Proud to be Americans again. Let's remember all those who died and gave up their lives because they were brave and proud to be Americans!