Sunday, July 22, 2012


I never really hated anyone and did not really understand hating. Hate is a disease that wants you get it it grows like a cancer. It builds up inside you and starts to spin you out of control. I came close to learning to hate, almost got sucked in fully. It is strange how situations in your life and make you change. How hate can just well up from deep inside and explode outward and inward. You try, but controlling it is quite hard. You let a situation get you all worked up and you lose control and there is hate waiting to consume you. You don't necessarily have to hate someone at first, sometimes it is hating your situation or hating your self. Wants the hate starts though it grows and can spin quickly into a tangled web. You start to thirst for hate, it consume all your thoughts, you go looking for more hate. You have to step back once you feel it starting to creep in. Look around at all those that do hate, they are unhappy and miserable. They can not move on with their lives. They live to hate, go to bed hating and wake up in the morning hating. They hate themselves and start to hate the world around them. If they hate someone, they do not realize that the person they are hating is actually much more happy than they are. Hate can creep in and destroy you. You have to recognize it from the start. Then you can get control. Once it starts to spin out of control you will become lost. So the best thing is, don't hate. You can disassociate or dislike, but watch out for hate, it is hateful.

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