Friday, July 29, 2011

Our Debt Situation

As the whole world watches, our Government is again making this country look like a bunch of fools. We should all be embarrassed and ashamed of what officials we elected are doing to the country. Our political parties can not even work together to come up with a solution. to top that off what each side is proposing is not a good deal for any of us. They have a choice to make and they need to make it in the next few days. Either come up with a real solution or face the deadline where the United States starts to default on its loans.

What effect will this have on us? Our rating will be down graded, so the cost to borrow the money to pay our bills will increase. That is, it will cost the Federal Government more money and in turn that will cost everyone more money. It will affect the world economy. What will China do at that point - they own almost 1/3 of our debt. China has been warning the US about the shape of their finances for the past few years.

This is all the cause of our political parties gridlock over how to decrease our debt. But this should be about much more than that. This should be about how to fix the US's finances as a whole. That amount the Government is talking about reducing the debt by, 4 trillion over the next 10 years, will not even begin to make a dent in what has to actually be done. In order to fix the the real problem, this figure needs to be at least 10 trillion over that time period. That is a mountain that we will have to climb at some point. They can not even agree how to get tot he 4 trillion mark - how will we ever get to the 10 trillion mark. Let's all face this now - in order to make a dent in our debt - we will need to cut spending and increase taxes. We are in way to deep a hole to make this work by just cutting spending.

We must realize as Americans, to fix our situation everyone in some way will have to participate and pay. Raising the debt limit without a plan in place to get control of our spending will only cause more harm. Currently the Republicans and Democrats in office are not and can not seem to get the job done. The long term solution is going to be us, as Americans, voting the right people into office. Not voting in a Republican or a Democrat, but an individual who has the knowledge and ability to get things done and knows how to work well with others. We need people in office that can make sensible solutions during a grave crisis. We need leaders who will lead and not sit back to see what someone else will do our what solution someone else will offer. We need to forget about voting along party lines - that is the most un-American thing we all do, voting along party lines is what got us into this mess. All the Tea Party seems to want to do is say don't do this or don't do that, no real solutions from them. They are not even a real party - they invade the Republicans to get into office.

Cutting programs for the elderly and the poor at this point is also not the right thing to do. Not with the shape of our economy. We need to look at other areas to cut, at least for the short term. So people making more than $250,000/yr have to take a small tax hike for now, in a few years maybe people making over $150,000 get included and then people making over $125,000 are included a few years later. We look at pulling out of wars we don't belong in - wow what a savings that would be. Cut subsidies to big business and alternative fuel. Make vehicles that run more efficient. Lend less money to other countries for the short term. As time goes on, we can take the time to restructure some of our programs and eliminate ones that only cost us more money.

W have our own Government telling us as Americans we need to manage our own personal debt more wisely - but look what mess they created. The mess we created can and may affect the whole global economy. It will hit us all hard. Speak up and let you congressional leaders know you want them to fix this mess and know at the same time we are all in this together. Use this link to get in touch - Contacting the Congress


  1. Here Here.That says it all.Everyone says the right thing,but never acts on it.Our only national leader is the President.All the congressional,and senatorial members are just hired guns from their various states and constituencies.Many are bought and paid for by special interests,or demagogue hacks who are otherwise political imbiciles who only wish to retain their own jobs.
    None of them will sacrifice,make the real,tough decisions,or for that matter,relinquish power over to someone,anyone who will.
    Wheather its ideology,greed,racism,ignorance,or just plain COWARDICE,none of the current congress is worth a next term in office after this debacle.

  2. I agree, we need to get these people out of office and start all over. Like Putin said - the USA is not a parasite on the global economy. Our congressional representatives cater too much to special interests and those who line their pockets instead of paying attention to what the people want. Our country is lost and broken and it is the responsibility and right of every American to fix it. We can do this by voting in new people who are more responsible.
