Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Who needs enemies when we have ourselves

The rest of the world is now laughing again at America. Actually some are laughing and some are thinking we are pretty stupid. How can we take a tragedy, like what happened in Arizona and blow things so far out of proportion. Terrorist around the world are saying to themselves - "they don't need us as an enemy - they are destroying themselves - let's just sit back and watch."

Let's face this as a fact - Loughner was a wacko, a loner acting on his own. He never got help when others obviously recognized he needed it. That may not have helped anyhow because if a person does not want help, he will not accept any help. So many shootings that occur across this country are enacted by similar type persons. Why do we try to put the blame on everyone else and make ourselves look like fools. Or actually, why do we allow those in the media to make us look like fools to the rest of the world. This makes me sick.

Then you have some idiotic so called church groups who are just as wacko and sick wanting to stage a protest at a 9 year old's funeral. They had to enact an emergency law to head off picketing by a fundamentalist Kansas church near the funeral service for a nine-year-old girl killed during the mass shooting in Tucson. What the hey?

No - America - we need to take a deep look at ourselves. Something that should be uniting us is tearing us apart. How long will we let those in the media do this to us. Who needs enemies when we have ourselves! - My explosion of thought!

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with your opinion. What are we doing to ourselves?
