Saturday, September 11, 2010

America The Beautiful - Where have we gone wrong?

On this day 9 years ago, America suffered an attack on her home soil. On that day I felt thousands of souls pass through me and pierce my heart with a sadness like I had never felt. On September 11, 2001, Americans united as a nation for the first time in a long time. We all came together and celebrated the heroes who struggled to save survivors when the Towers fell. We also mourned the thousands that died that day In NY, Pennsylvania and in Arlington, VA at the Pentagon. For quite a while afterward we were united as a nation, as brothers and sisters. We forgot all our differences and pulled together, help one another out and showed our patriotism.

Since that day, we have all now faded back into the horizon. Where is all the Patriotism, the unification of people, minds and ideas? In this time of economic strife, we need to become more patriotic, we need to unite, pull together as a nation and help out those in our own country in need. When someone falls down, put out a hand and help them up.

You see, when the towers fell, the terrorist hoped we would fall apart as a nation. That in some form we would self destruct. Well during our current crisis, that is exactly what is happening. They are sitting back and laughing at us as we all continue to fall apart. We are not uniting, we are not working together and no one is putting out that hand to help a fallen neighbor back up.

So today is a time to remember what happened. Remember how we all united and stood strong, how we went the extra step to help each other out. Let's not let them continue to win, we need to show the world our true strength. Show the world what America stands for and that we are Proud to be Americans!

1 comment:

  1. David I really like this not all forgot the need to reach out and help others... Reaching out is easy for some!!!!!!!

