Monday, May 10, 2010

Tennessee Flood Relief

It is time we help our own people in this country. It seems when ever there is a relief area somewhere else in the world, Americans are asked to step up and help out with millions of dollars in private and government assistance. There are many areas in Tennessee where people did not have any flood insurance since flooding in those areas only seems to happen every several hundred years. Many of these people are struggling through hard economic times and have lost everything. Please take your time to pitch in and help out however you can.

We need to start thinking about the citizens in this country first before thinking about other countries when offering relief. It is horrible that the Tennessee Flood is getting so little headlines across the country while the BP oil rig explosion is taking all the headlines. Even President Obama has dissed them - don't let his administration talk about George Bush anymore. He did not want to travel to the Tennessee flood area because he said he would get in the way. When President Bush said something similar - he drew and uproar of anger - especially from those in Hollywood. So now that Obama has done virtually the same thing and treated the people of Tennessee the Republican and democrats are equal.

Please help out with your support - don't let these people continue to suffer while we turn our attention away. They desperately need your assistance. You can help out greatly by going to and signing up click her to donate to the Red Cross or donate to the Salvation Army. Every little bit can help and the people of Tennessee will appreciate all your help.

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