Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Tea Party Patriots - A Viable Alternative?

Over the past year and a half I have been hearing more and more about the Tea Party Patriots. A conservative group that are true believers in the Federalist movement and protections that the US Constitution provides all citizens. They are listed as a non-partisan, non-profit social welfare organization dedicated to furthering the common good and general welfare of the people of the United States.

In their statements they profess to educate the public and promote the principles of fiscal responsibility, constitutionally limited government and free markets. Recently several candidates have arisen claiming to be representing the Tea Party. Some like Scott Ashjian a self proclaimed Tea Party candidate, may or may not really be associated with the Tea Party. Recently leaders of the Tea Party have said they have not endorsed him as a candidate. Originally he registered as a Republican and later changed his Party tot eh Tea Party. Another Party - The Independent American Party, which has a candidate on the ballot for the Nevada Senate race, had argued that Ashjian was registered as a Republican and not Tea Party when he originally filed to qualify for the ballot on March 2. A Nevada judge ruled Thursday that Scott Ashjian’s name will remain on November’s ballot as a Tea Party candidate for Senate.

There are several candidates attempting to unseat Democratic Senator Harry Reid. After the past several years of him ignoring his constituents for his own gain, many people would be glad to see him unseated in Nevada. Harry Reid is a supporter of big government and all the tyranny comes with it — big tax hikes, wasteful spending and government takeovers – somewhat of a socialist agenda. He has been in politics for more than 4 decades, and has become completely out of touch with Americans, particularly the constituents of his own State of Nevada. He has this belief that Washington houses all the intelligence. Harry Reid has contributed to Nevada’s big downfall. Instead of constructing ways to help sustain and improve his own State, he ignored his fellow Nevadans and spent well over a year pushing for the new healthcare reform, all while his state suffered huge unemployment, thousands of home foreclosures and a collapse of all home values in the state. Since he became the majority leader, the Silver State’s unemployment rate has risen from Just over 4% to over 13%. Nevada may be one state where the Tea Party can gain a foot hold and become a respected foe as another Party to break the grip of this two party system that has run this country into near ruin.

The Tea Part Patriots welcome the participation by all citizens of the United States. The Tea Party online groups, blogs and news feeds are offered for the exchange of ideas related to their mission. Despite the many rumors floating around, The Tea Party Patriots do not condone and will not tolerate discrimination of any kind, and it will not tolerate comments encouraging any kind of illegal activities. If you post on their site or blogs they do expect and demand that you self-police, conduct yourselves in a civil and responsible manner and ask you to refrain from profanity, slander and personal attacks.

This group started up when it became apparent that the freedoms of our country were being threatened. Thousands and then millions of people from around the country responded. They stepped up and began to fight back. They began calling, we emailing and rallying. They started to organize and they endorsed protests and even marched on Washington. They wanted to make it clear that they would not be silenced by those who pretended not to listen and hoped they would tire and go back to their daily lives. The progress of this group amazingly quick and they learned more strategical ideas and to organize much quicker and better. They are targeting the upcoming primary elections as their first true chance to really be heard and begin to make a difference. They believe the every one of us counts and it takes all the people to make the important and vital changes that are necessary for this Country, this Nation to be restored to it’s former glory! We live in the one of the only countries on the planet where we are free to choose a side without the fear of retaliation from the government, yet there may be those in government that would like that to change. People around the world envy all our freedoms. The time has come for citizens of the USA to stand up and let our leaders know what we want. This may be the year that the American people will begin taking back our country from those that would destroy it. Help restore our great country to what the founders made it.

Did you know that after winning our independence our leaders were concerned about too strong of a central government and they drafted the Articles of Confederation. This document did not institute a strong enough central government. Our founding fathers saw within a few decades what had hampered civilizations for thousands of years, too much government or not enough. For ages and ages men had drifted from one extreme to the other. The balance of power between anarchy and tyranny had always proved to be very elusive. The framers of our Constitution (our Forefathers) were men of very deep faith and intelligent and knowledgeable of history. They drew upon the biblical Israelites and Anglo Saxons as well as others to draft a form of government based upon free-men electing their leaders and living by Gods law. Many personal letters from our founders show constant tribute and that give thanks to God our creator for guidance while drafting the greatest governmental document ever written. This young newly formed country also needed something stronger than a loose confederation of states. After several months, working under a great amount of pressure for a new country that was in danger of coming apart at the seams, our Constitution was born. A reasonable and fair balance of power had been found. The people of this great country were now free to pursue education, science, the arts, industry and religion among many other endeavors.

This new found freedom would eventually lead to an explosion of innovation and creativity never seen before in history. We would go from traveling in ox-carts to putting a ship in space and then a man on the moon in less than 200 years. This country would be responsible for tremendous change in the world around us. People looked up to this country.

But now things have hit a crossroads and our Constitution is being disrespected by so many of our elected officials. Our government has exploded to enormous proportions, the national debt is unsustainable and becoming uncontrollable, entitlements to special interests are out of hand and our national security is substantially weakened. The Christian values and faith that this great Nation was founded upon are being thrown aside and they acting as if our Constitution does not matter anymore. This is so wrong and unprecedented. I love the United States of America and everything it used to stand for. It is time to take the gloves off; stand up and fight. We need to take our Government back; Our Government that is by the people and for the people.

The balance of power has tipped the scales toward tyranny. While we have been busy raising our families, building our businesses, and furthering our careers, our elected officials have been left to do as they please. We were brain washed into this two party system, where if you don’t play right, or actually by the rules they make up, you get left out of the game. Many of these current politicians have done us wrong. They are supposed to be representatives of the People as granted in our Constitution; instead they have become politicians representing groups and interests that line their pockets. It is time for us as Americans to say we have had enough. Stand up and restore this country to the Framers intent with our Constitution. Do not let the Socialist ideas take hold and destroy all of us. Joseph Stalin once said: "America is like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold: its patriotism, its morality, and its spiritual life. If we can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within." He also stated to William Z. Foster, leader of the Communist Party U.S.A: “Work for more government intervention and control of the business activities of the people. In this way the American people will accept Communism without knowing it.” It was Stalin’s idea of conquering America without a fight. Don’t let these things come true, educate yourselves and break yourselves from voting within a two-party system. Maybe the Tea Party is not the party for you to endorse, but it is a start. Do your research and make your choice. – my explosion of thought!

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