Friday, January 22, 2010

Brown wins in Massachusetts

Republican Scott Brown executed one of the largest U.S. political upsets in modern history when he defeated Democrat Martha Coakley to fill out the Senate term of the late Sen. Edward Kennedy. He was a viable candidate who actually listened tot he voice of the people and heard it. He wants to do what is right not only for the people of Massachusetts, but for all the people of this country. The health care bill they wanted to shove down the throats of the American People was not the best thought out and not the best plan for the people. Brown's win in Massachusetts will help prevent this bill form going through. A good thing for all Americans.

President Obama had promised that he would not raise taxes on the American Middle Class(Remember Bush #1 making a similar promise he could not keep, cost him a re-election), yet he caved in to placing a tax on those Americans who were paying for their own health care, taxing their health care plan. A slap in the face to all middle class Americans. Then all the jobs that were supposed to be created with all this stimulus money - what jobs. All that resulted is that some corporations and banking institutions were allowed to be dug out of their own mess and profit from it. Some are still taking even more money. Seems like Ford did just fine without a bailout, they figured it out themselves and are on the right track now. How come the others could not do this?

Now back to Brown. What made me sick was that after now Senator Brown won the election, the media immediately started bashing him and the people of Massachusetts. I listed to several news programs that were basically asking how the people of Massachusetts could be so naive to elect this man. What a slap in the face to the people of Massachusetts. They actually went out of their way to put down the people for voting for a "Republican". some of the media is just sick, this man won fair and square and the people put him in office. Now congratulate the man and move on. What ever happened to good sportmanship, I guess the media does not play by those rules.

I congratulate Mr. Brown for his win. I do not congratulate the Republicans or the Democrats, I congratulate a man who knows how to listen to the people he is representing and pays heed.

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