Thursday, October 8, 2009

Our Healthcare Issues

The problem with this whole health care plan that everyone is failing to recognize clearly is that yes, this plan is costing less than the previous plans - it is in no way lowering any deficit, it will just cost the middle class taxpayers less. The deficit will still increase. The middle class taxpayers will have to pay more in taxes to pay for this less expensive plan.

On the other side of it, the cost and fees that are pushed back to the drug companies and insurance companies will have to be paid for somehow. These companies will then charge the middle class more for their insurance and drugs. So eventually about 1/3 of those at the lower end of the middle class will be in poverty.

One other point - why would we even consider covering illegal aliens that should not be in this country? You go to any other country and enter illegally and you most likely end up in a dirty jail cell with no health care coverage.

Years ago they created HMOs - this severely crippled our health care system. We got less coverage and no real savings. It is my belief this plan will do the same in the long run. Maybe we need a plan, but the people in our government both republicans and democrats don't seem to have a solution. Our 2 party system has crippled us. Why do we have to be democrat or republican - we should be putting people in office we truly believe can get the job done.

Obama talked about change – he never explained what that change was. We need to change the way our government operates, remember this government is by the people and for the people. The government should not be dictating to us, it is becoming more and more socialized. We should be dictating to the government how we want this country run. Stand up, get some heart and vote for good people to be in congress. Get away from being democrat or republican - be an American. That is the only way we are going to fix this whole mess. George Bush was no better, helping to contribute to all this.

Joseph Stalin, advocated the following strategy to William Z. Foster, leader of the Communist Party U.S.A.: “Work for more government intervention and control of the business activities of the people. In this way the American people will accept Communism without knowing it.” It was his way of conquering America without a fight - it seems to be working. The Socialist followers of William Z. Foster became part of the Democratic Party in Washington state and in California in the 1950s and early 60s. They are still in play today.

If you want a change in Government – you have to vote a change in government. Abandon this two party system. Find some good independents and various other parties whose candidates are ordinary people, no lawyers or big businessmen. There are honest and hardworking people out their that will stand up for the rights of the American people and not let the government get out of control.

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