Friday, May 1, 2009

A Disguised Bailout

The Chrysler second wave bailout - or are they calling it a bankruptcy now - is under way. Chrysler will shed its debt by basically telling the lenders that are not caving to their demands that they are not going to pay them anything. Then once they restructure, the government is giving them another $10 billion dollars more. Why do we keep throwing the taxpayers money at all these companies, we, the taxpayers are going to be paying this back for decades. First the tax cuts in place will be expiring and afterwards you should expect to see about a 8% to 10% increase in the taxes you pay. It may not all come from income taxes, they will spread it out, some from income, some from tax on gasoline, tax on cigarettes and other commodities. In some way or another, the money has to be recouped.

Just think what the govenment could do with that $10 billion, they could give each American Income Taxpayer about $72,000 to go out and spend. Now that would boost the economy much more than giving it to Chrysler. Hell, we could all afford to go by a car from Chrysler and still have money to spend in other places.

We are moving more and more to a Socio-Communist type of environment. The government is getting much too involved in private business and taking control. At some point, I strongly believe, during the ongoing government takeover of Americans’ businesses and wealth, we could wake up in a new country - The Socialist States of America. Democrats and Republicans alike need to take heed.

After all, Joseph Stalin, advocated the following strategy to William Z. Foster, leader of the Communist Party U.S.A.: “Work for more government intervention and control of the business activities of the people. In this way the American people will accept Communism without knowing it.” It was his way of conquering America without a fight - it seems to be working.

We need to allow capitalism to work the way it should without government ownership or bailouts. Who is bailing out the humble middle class and lower income families. The paltry $400 an individual my get spread over weeks of paychecks is an insult and a slap in the face. On top of that they have the tax table screwed up, so you will actually be getting more than that, BUT - you will have to pay the extra back at the end of the year. IF our government can not even get that right - how can we expect them to grasp hold of all these businesses and run them effectively. Again my opinion - my explosion of thought!

1 comment:

  1. I have also said that Communism has come to America. Welcome to the Socialist Republic of USA
