The world is in shambles,
Everything we do just rambles.
It is all one big con,
Because the pain still goes on.
They say it's all productive,
But we know it is destructive.
They plan for total destruction,
And leave peace no introduction.
Where will we all go?
Will we ever know?
Will this world be ended,
The pain and sorrow left unmended?
The world is falling apart,
No one is left with a heart.
Have we just given up?
Have we drank our last cup?
Let us start again now!
If, we still remember how.
Everyone spread a little love,
Let's make the world as pure as a dove.
I know we can do it,
If we put our minds to it.
Let us show them now,
That we still remember how!
(A Poem From the book - Explosion of Thought - by David Reiner)
This is just an Explosion of my Thoughts. I once wrote a poetry book with this same title. Samples of my poems may be displayed on this blog and are copy righted. Take my thoughts with caution because they are just an explosion of what goes on in my mind daily. Enjoy!
Monday, August 31, 2009
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Ashamed to be an American

When someone can have the guts to write something like this on your door, it is a disgrace to America. Upon returning home from church last Sunday, we discovered someone had wrote KKK on our front door. This was both shocking and disappointing. Having to explain this to my children and have them experience this is more than I can contemplate.
My view on people who are so Racist stands - they should be stripped of their citizenship. It makes me ashamed to call my self an American and it is a disgrace to our country. In this day and age for something to happen like this is unbelievable.
This person or these people who did this are gutless. Afraid to come face to face with me to tell me their views. They are spineless, idiotic and stupid people that can even think of doing this. This is my opinion - My explosion of Thought!
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Racism - An American Disgrace
The incident that happened between Officer Crowly and Mr. Gates was very unfortunate. In a way I do believe race had a small play in what transpired. But the issue of race was not brought up by the officer and our President seemed to believe initially. It was Mr. Gates who threw out the race issue when he was asked if he lived there and to produce an ID. It was in fact he who initiated the racial discrimination. Knowing full well as a professor that by throwing out this comment he could start an incident. Was it all his fault though - keep reading for more of my view.
See I know full well about racial discrimination. I grew up with it all my life. I suffered through it in grade school until I learned to use it to my advantage against the teachers in the school who maybe unknowingly allowed it to fester. See – if you called a black person any type of name – they had a solution – they kicked you out of school or at least suspended you – that was dependent more on the social status of your family. Unfortunately, I was not black. I was an Asian/American, more of a minority at the time then a Black American. I sympathized with all who were discriminated against and eventually I learned to stand up for myself. Maybe not in the correct way at first. I was call many names growing up from – Dirty Jap, Nip, Chink, told to go back to my country( I was born in the USA – so don’t know where else to go) and much more. Then they would start to taunt me and hit me – I was told to turn the other cheek – that did not work, I just got hit twice as hard. So I decided I needed to learn to defend myself – I made a promise to myself – I would never start a fight – but I also would not allow anyone to beat me up anymore. A rage had built up in me over the years and those who faced me would have to face it.
One day after a fight when of all people a Hispanic called me a chink and came after me I got in a fight with a person who was 2 years older than me. He grabbed me and started to bang on my back and came from behind and put me in a bear hug, so I used my head and head butted him repeatedly as his head slammed against the wall and I bloodied his nose. He backed off and ran to a teachers room, she pulled me in the room and started to yell at me – how could I start such a fight she said. To my amazement, the other guy spoke up and said it was his fault, he started it by calling me a name and then hitting me. Not to mention he was much larger than I. So the teacher backed down and told us both to leave. Later that day my home room teacher wanted to speak to me. She asked me why I had some much rage and anger in me, I told her that I was fed up with people picking on me because of my race and ethnic background, I told her if some one called a black person a name they responded quickly and threw people out of school but they could call me names and more and they did nothing. Her response was that I had to learn to live with it. I told her that she was wrong, that she would have to learn to live with it, she said she did not understand. So I elaborated – you created me – now you have to learn to live with that. Teachers sometimes teach the wrong things in school in a way that allowed racism to grow and fester.
Racial discrimination contradicts the 1776 United States Declaration of Independence which clearly states: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
I now live in an area in St. Mary’s County Maryland where racial and ethnic discrimination is prevalent. It is much worse than people want to admit. When you have neighbors that say they will not shop at a certain Mall or go to certain Amusement parks because they are “Too Dark” or they are glad the neighborhood is not “Too Dark”. They do not want their kids to associate with those that are “Too Dark”. Their kids are allowed to walk around and use the “N’ word and sing songs about Japs and Chinks need to go back to their own country. I do not allow anyone to talk or speak like this in my presence. My father-in-law was asked to leave my house because of speaking with racial slurs. I believe that there are those in government positions and on the police force in the county and through out the country that are slanted against those who are not of their ethnic heritage. They favor and treat people a certain way because of this. It is a shame and a disgrace to this country. After an incident at my home this week it shows me what it is like. See I had a person trespass on my property, try to force their way in my home and tried to start a fight. He was drunk and belligerent. I did what a person should do and called the police. When they came to my home – they should have all come to my house since I called them to take my report – instead one of them went across the street to the other person and was joking with them before coming o see me. When he came down, he had the policewoman take my name and asked for our ID, then as she took the report, he went back up and joked with the other person who I called to complain about. He never took out his pad while talking to them, never took down their names and never asked them for an ID. He explained to me he could not arrest the other person since he had a different story than me, but the other person did admit he was on my property. I was standing there with a ripped shirt and a scratch on my chest. I said well maybe I should call your supervisor, he got very riled at that point – I could see the veins in his head poke out – and told me I would do no such thing. He was there to institute the law – I say phooey. I checked on it and he could have arrested the other person – the other person trespassed on my property, he tried to force his way into my home. By law when he entered my home violently scaring my children and my wife I could have pummeled him and been within the law. I knew he was drunk, so I called to police, who it turns out really did not do what they should have. So now maybe I have to sympathize more with Mr. Gates. Maybe my ethnic heritage might have played a small part in this, I am a minority. See I believe the officer could not escalate this further because I remained calm, I did not throw out a race card and I spoke to the officer respectfully even though I could see he was pretty agitated, starting to sweat and his veins were poking out of his head. Can it really be, was race an issue. If I did the same thing to this person and went on his property and tried to force a fight would I have been treated different if I called the police? - Maybe the President needs to bring me and this officer to the White House to find out if it is so.
Is there an issue with race in this country – yes there is. It is a big factor that weakens us as a nation. Racism is an American Disgrace! Who teaches this to our children. You are not born with racism in your blood. It is something that is taught, it is taught by our parents and other elders within society that have never grown out of it. It has been handed down from generation to generation. Some where we have to stop this chain – we need our teachers to reach that discrimination against any person of any racial or ethnic background is wrong. It does not matter what your skin color of ethnicity is, White, Black, Hispanic, Asian , Indian – if your slur against someone due to this you are a racist, pure and simple.
This contains many facts so it is not all just my opinion – but as always it is – My Explosion of Thought!
See I know full well about racial discrimination. I grew up with it all my life. I suffered through it in grade school until I learned to use it to my advantage against the teachers in the school who maybe unknowingly allowed it to fester. See – if you called a black person any type of name – they had a solution – they kicked you out of school or at least suspended you – that was dependent more on the social status of your family. Unfortunately, I was not black. I was an Asian/American, more of a minority at the time then a Black American. I sympathized with all who were discriminated against and eventually I learned to stand up for myself. Maybe not in the correct way at first. I was call many names growing up from – Dirty Jap, Nip, Chink, told to go back to my country( I was born in the USA – so don’t know where else to go) and much more. Then they would start to taunt me and hit me – I was told to turn the other cheek – that did not work, I just got hit twice as hard. So I decided I needed to learn to defend myself – I made a promise to myself – I would never start a fight – but I also would not allow anyone to beat me up anymore. A rage had built up in me over the years and those who faced me would have to face it.
One day after a fight when of all people a Hispanic called me a chink and came after me I got in a fight with a person who was 2 years older than me. He grabbed me and started to bang on my back and came from behind and put me in a bear hug, so I used my head and head butted him repeatedly as his head slammed against the wall and I bloodied his nose. He backed off and ran to a teachers room, she pulled me in the room and started to yell at me – how could I start such a fight she said. To my amazement, the other guy spoke up and said it was his fault, he started it by calling me a name and then hitting me. Not to mention he was much larger than I. So the teacher backed down and told us both to leave. Later that day my home room teacher wanted to speak to me. She asked me why I had some much rage and anger in me, I told her that I was fed up with people picking on me because of my race and ethnic background, I told her if some one called a black person a name they responded quickly and threw people out of school but they could call me names and more and they did nothing. Her response was that I had to learn to live with it. I told her that she was wrong, that she would have to learn to live with it, she said she did not understand. So I elaborated – you created me – now you have to learn to live with that. Teachers sometimes teach the wrong things in school in a way that allowed racism to grow and fester.
Racial discrimination contradicts the 1776 United States Declaration of Independence which clearly states: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
I now live in an area in St. Mary’s County Maryland where racial and ethnic discrimination is prevalent. It is much worse than people want to admit. When you have neighbors that say they will not shop at a certain Mall or go to certain Amusement parks because they are “Too Dark” or they are glad the neighborhood is not “Too Dark”. They do not want their kids to associate with those that are “Too Dark”. Their kids are allowed to walk around and use the “N’ word and sing songs about Japs and Chinks need to go back to their own country. I do not allow anyone to talk or speak like this in my presence. My father-in-law was asked to leave my house because of speaking with racial slurs. I believe that there are those in government positions and on the police force in the county and through out the country that are slanted against those who are not of their ethnic heritage. They favor and treat people a certain way because of this. It is a shame and a disgrace to this country. After an incident at my home this week it shows me what it is like. See I had a person trespass on my property, try to force their way in my home and tried to start a fight. He was drunk and belligerent. I did what a person should do and called the police. When they came to my home – they should have all come to my house since I called them to take my report – instead one of them went across the street to the other person and was joking with them before coming o see me. When he came down, he had the policewoman take my name and asked for our ID, then as she took the report, he went back up and joked with the other person who I called to complain about. He never took out his pad while talking to them, never took down their names and never asked them for an ID. He explained to me he could not arrest the other person since he had a different story than me, but the other person did admit he was on my property. I was standing there with a ripped shirt and a scratch on my chest. I said well maybe I should call your supervisor, he got very riled at that point – I could see the veins in his head poke out – and told me I would do no such thing. He was there to institute the law – I say phooey. I checked on it and he could have arrested the other person – the other person trespassed on my property, he tried to force his way into my home. By law when he entered my home violently scaring my children and my wife I could have pummeled him and been within the law. I knew he was drunk, so I called to police, who it turns out really did not do what they should have. So now maybe I have to sympathize more with Mr. Gates. Maybe my ethnic heritage might have played a small part in this, I am a minority. See I believe the officer could not escalate this further because I remained calm, I did not throw out a race card and I spoke to the officer respectfully even though I could see he was pretty agitated, starting to sweat and his veins were poking out of his head. Can it really be, was race an issue. If I did the same thing to this person and went on his property and tried to force a fight would I have been treated different if I called the police? - Maybe the President needs to bring me and this officer to the White House to find out if it is so.
Is there an issue with race in this country – yes there is. It is a big factor that weakens us as a nation. Racism is an American Disgrace! Who teaches this to our children. You are not born with racism in your blood. It is something that is taught, it is taught by our parents and other elders within society that have never grown out of it. It has been handed down from generation to generation. Some where we have to stop this chain – we need our teachers to reach that discrimination against any person of any racial or ethnic background is wrong. It does not matter what your skin color of ethnicity is, White, Black, Hispanic, Asian , Indian – if your slur against someone due to this you are a racist, pure and simple.
This contains many facts so it is not all just my opinion – but as always it is – My Explosion of Thought!
Racial Slurs,
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