This is just an Explosion of my Thoughts. I once wrote a poetry book with this same title. Samples of my poems may be displayed on this blog and are copy righted. Take my thoughts with caution because they are just an explosion of what goes on in my mind daily. Enjoy!
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Happy New Year
Wishing all of my followers and readers a Very Happy and Prosperous New Year. I will soon be posting my predictions for the New Year. I will have to say, many of my predictions for the past year were right on the mark. The past year had many somber times especially with the economy. I had predicted an unemployment rate of over 10% before the end of the year even though most of the economist and government officials did not believe we would reach that level. Sty tuned for my outlook for the upcoming year. In the meantime - Enjoy your families and again Happy New Year!
Friday, December 25, 2009
Twas The Night Jesus Came
Now that the night before Christmas has arrived, I am reminded of a poem that I first heard of about a few years ago. It is a take on 'Twas the Night Before Christmas. The poem relates to the theology that says Jesus Christ will return for all true Believers one day in an event called the Rapture of the Church. Here is that poem and the credit to the Author, believe in the Lord Jesus Christ people and dust off those Bibles and read them -
'Twas the night Jesus came and all through the house
Not a person was praying, not one in the house.
The Bibles were left on the shelf without care,
For no one thought that Jesus would come there.
The children were dressing to crawl into bed,
Not once ever kneeling or bowing a head.
And mom in her rocker with baby in her lap
Was watching the Late Show while I took a nap.
When out of the east there rose such a clatter,
I sprang to my feet to see what was the matter.
Away to the window I flew like a flash
Tore open the shutters and lifted the sash!
When what to my wondering eyes should appear
But angels proclaiming that Jesus was here!
The light of His face made me cover my head--
It was Jesus returning, just as He said.
And though I possessed worldly wisdom and wealth,
I cried when I saw Him in spite of myself.
In the Book of Life which He held in His hand
Was written the name of every saved man.
He spoke not a word as He searched for my name;
When He said, "It's not here" my head hung in shame.
The people whose names had been written with love
He gathered to take to His Father above.
With those who were ready He rose without a sound
While all the rest were left standing around.
I fell to my knees, but it was too late;
I had waited too long and thus sealed my fate.
I stood and I cried as they rose out of sight;
Oh, if only I'd known that this was the night.
In the words of this poem the meaning is clear;
The coming of Jesus is now drawing near.
There's only one life and when comes the last call
We'll find that the Bible was true after all.
'Twas the night Jesus came and all through the house
Not a person was praying, not one in the house.
The Bibles were left on the shelf without care,
For no one thought that Jesus would come there.
The children were dressing to crawl into bed,
Not once ever kneeling or bowing a head.
And mom in her rocker with baby in her lap
Was watching the Late Show while I took a nap.
When out of the east there rose such a clatter,
I sprang to my feet to see what was the matter.
Away to the window I flew like a flash
Tore open the shutters and lifted the sash!
When what to my wondering eyes should appear
But angels proclaiming that Jesus was here!
The light of His face made me cover my head--
It was Jesus returning, just as He said.
And though I possessed worldly wisdom and wealth,
I cried when I saw Him in spite of myself.
In the Book of Life which He held in His hand
Was written the name of every saved man.
He spoke not a word as He searched for my name;
When He said, "It's not here" my head hung in shame.
The people whose names had been written with love
He gathered to take to His Father above.
With those who were ready He rose without a sound
While all the rest were left standing around.
I fell to my knees, but it was too late;
I had waited too long and thus sealed my fate.
I stood and I cried as they rose out of sight;
Oh, if only I'd known that this was the night.
In the words of this poem the meaning is clear;
The coming of Jesus is now drawing near.
There's only one life and when comes the last call
We'll find that the Bible was true after all.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Driving - People Must Feel Guilty
I was driving into work today and traffic was moving along just below the speed limit at 50 mph (posted speed was 60 mph)and things were moving smoothly. Then all of the sudden everyone slammed on thier breaks (not a good thing on roads that are wet and could have icy spots). I was thinking something must have happened, but them I realized that there was apolice car on the shoulder of the road with someone pulled over. Trafic then moved up the road at just under 40 mph - 20 mph under the posted speed. Why?
Now if the speed limit is 60 and you are traveling at 50, you are well below the posted speed. Why would you think you have to slow down just because a policeman in present. You can do the speed limit and maybe get away with a few MPH over the limit. Then to travel at even a slower speed for about the next 1/2 mile or more just because you saw a policeman. Is it a guilty conscience for all the times you may have been speeding in the past, you are trying to make it up now? I don't understand. When I see a policeman and I am doing the speed limit or less, I stay on pace. Why should I slow down unless he has his lights on and s trying to get to an emergency, I am obeying the law and do not feel guilty about it.
Slamming on the brakes can be more dangerous and you could cause an accident. That is what you should feel guilty about. Maybe if you have a guilty conscience that is causing you to slow down so much, you should try to travel within the speed limit in the first place.It just frustrates me when all of a sudden there is a traffic back-up because people see a policeman on the side of the road. Retrain yourself - if you travel the speed limit and are driving within the law, no need to slow down of slam on your brakes.
Now if the speed limit is 60 and you are traveling at 50, you are well below the posted speed. Why would you think you have to slow down just because a policeman in present. You can do the speed limit and maybe get away with a few MPH over the limit. Then to travel at even a slower speed for about the next 1/2 mile or more just because you saw a policeman. Is it a guilty conscience for all the times you may have been speeding in the past, you are trying to make it up now? I don't understand. When I see a policeman and I am doing the speed limit or less, I stay on pace. Why should I slow down unless he has his lights on and s trying to get to an emergency, I am obeying the law and do not feel guilty about it.
Slamming on the brakes can be more dangerous and you could cause an accident. That is what you should feel guilty about. Maybe if you have a guilty conscience that is causing you to slow down so much, you should try to travel within the speed limit in the first place.It just frustrates me when all of a sudden there is a traffic back-up because people see a policeman on the side of the road. Retrain yourself - if you travel the speed limit and are driving within the law, no need to slow down of slam on your brakes.
Guilty Conscience,
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Tribulation - A poem by David Reiner
Am I drowning like a dark romance?
Have I slipped beneath the waves with billowy layers of petticoats?
My heart is aching and pounding.
A tight pressure within my chest.
Is my heart muscle struggling and dying?
Is the oxygen deprived from my soul?
So short of breath and cold.
Have I been electrocuted?
The current surging through me.
The arrhythmia, stopping my heart dead.
Unconsciousness to the world.
No feeling left in my soul.
The wave of energy passing through.
Tearing my soul from within.
I have been robbed of my energy.
Happiness and enthusiasm evading me.
Frustration, sadness and grief consuming me.
Have I become hopeless to this world?
The worry and anxiety tunneling through my heart.
What is happening to the world around me?
The wars are intensifying castrating the souls.
Where is my lost love?
The one I live for and care for daily.
The one who consumed my heart with happiness and love.
The children who engulfed me with joy.
My soul has been ripped from me.
I gladly give myself for their happiness now.
I pass through to an unknown place.
Abandoned in a place called nowhere.
My heart aches eternally.
Where is this place where no love exists?
No feeling for each other.
Has the world gone mad?
The tribulation has approached us.
I am here alone now.
I hear a voice within the darkness.
Telling me to journey back, I don’t belong.
I hear the cries from thousands of souls as the towers came down.
I feel the pain of the world upon me.
I look to the heavens and a faint light appears.
A voice so thunderous saying “I Am”
I feel my body energize with thousands of volts.
The cries of the souls pass through me wave after wave.
Split between the now and then.
I feel the love of my family pulling me to a new place.
The love of my children and my one true love, my wife.
The love of my Father in Heaven guiding me.
Where does this journey go?
I follow the footsteps, the ones He left for me.
Have I slipped beneath the waves with billowy layers of petticoats?
My heart is aching and pounding.
A tight pressure within my chest.
Is my heart muscle struggling and dying?
Is the oxygen deprived from my soul?
So short of breath and cold.
Have I been electrocuted?
The current surging through me.
The arrhythmia, stopping my heart dead.
Unconsciousness to the world.
No feeling left in my soul.
The wave of energy passing through.
Tearing my soul from within.
I have been robbed of my energy.
Happiness and enthusiasm evading me.
Frustration, sadness and grief consuming me.
Have I become hopeless to this world?
The worry and anxiety tunneling through my heart.
What is happening to the world around me?
The wars are intensifying castrating the souls.
Where is my lost love?
The one I live for and care for daily.
The one who consumed my heart with happiness and love.
The children who engulfed me with joy.
My soul has been ripped from me.
I gladly give myself for their happiness now.
I pass through to an unknown place.
Abandoned in a place called nowhere.
My heart aches eternally.
Where is this place where no love exists?
No feeling for each other.
Has the world gone mad?
The tribulation has approached us.
I am here alone now.
I hear a voice within the darkness.
Telling me to journey back, I don’t belong.
I hear the cries from thousands of souls as the towers came down.
I feel the pain of the world upon me.
I look to the heavens and a faint light appears.
A voice so thunderous saying “I Am”
I feel my body energize with thousands of volts.
The cries of the souls pass through me wave after wave.
Split between the now and then.
I feel the love of my family pulling me to a new place.
The love of my children and my one true love, my wife.
The love of my Father in Heaven guiding me.
Where does this journey go?
I follow the footsteps, the ones He left for me.
David Reiner,
Monday, November 23, 2009
His Prophet - A poem by David Reiner
Up to heaven I looked
I saw a great light
My heart it was hooked
By His powerful might
He looked down at me
He called out my name
My soul filled with glee
He ignited a flame
Spread thee My word
Speak what Thy say
So deeply I heard
Fell to my knees and did pray
Enlightened I was at His marvelous words
The sky did turn red
My soul floated with birds
So much Knowledge filled my head
The tears did they flow
From deep within my heart
My soul sprang to life and did glow
His Prophet I am, the words they did start
God is my Father in heaven so dear
The blind soon will see
And the deaf will soon hear
All shout His name with glee
Believers all hear
Again he will come
Striketh deep fear
What shall we become
HIs word I will spread
His praise I will sing
He breaketh the bread
I sit upon His Angel's wing
The souls I will save
The great words I will speak
I will have not a grave
Nor will the humble and meek
His light it will shine
To our knees will we fall
All praise unto Thine
My soul thus receive His call
I saw a great light
My heart it was hooked
By His powerful might
He looked down at me
He called out my name
My soul filled with glee
He ignited a flame
Spread thee My word
Speak what Thy say
So deeply I heard
Fell to my knees and did pray
Enlightened I was at His marvelous words
The sky did turn red
My soul floated with birds
So much Knowledge filled my head
The tears did they flow
From deep within my heart
My soul sprang to life and did glow
His Prophet I am, the words they did start
God is my Father in heaven so dear
The blind soon will see
And the deaf will soon hear
All shout His name with glee
Believers all hear
Again he will come
Striketh deep fear
What shall we become
HIs word I will spread
His praise I will sing
He breaketh the bread
I sit upon His Angel's wing
The souls I will save
The great words I will speak
I will have not a grave
Nor will the humble and meek
His light it will shine
To our knees will we fall
All praise unto Thine
My soul thus receive His call
David Reiner,
Friday, November 20, 2009
What is love? Do you know what love is? How does love feel? You know it is love when it hurts deep in your soul when those you love are snatched away from you.When your heart aches and your tears flow, you can't think straight. God taught us what love is when he sent his only son to die on the cross for us.
In 1 John 4:7-8 " Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God: and everyone that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God.
He the loveth not, Knoweth not God; for God is love"
Love your wife and wives, love your husbands. Love your children - for it is the children that will inherit the Kingdom of God. Learn to follow in the footsteps of the Lord, for he will guide you through life. He will help you guide your family through life. He will demonstrate true love to you. See, you know it is love, not because of all the good times alone, but because of the pain you feel when those times are absent.
Cherish the love you have for your family and never let it go. God never stops loving us. Never give up on love and it will not give up on you. Never stop loving all those around you.
Love your enemy as well as you love your friend. For he that knoweth love, shll know God. He that knoweth God shall love forever.
Let not man tear asunder what God has joined. God joined you to your family, let no one tear it apart. For he who teareth apart what God has joined, so tearth themselves from God.
Remember - God is love. Without God there would be no love. So love God first, love you wife, childrena nd family and love they neighbor.
In 1 John 4:7-8 " Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God: and everyone that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God.
He the loveth not, Knoweth not God; for God is love"
Love your wife and wives, love your husbands. Love your children - for it is the children that will inherit the Kingdom of God. Learn to follow in the footsteps of the Lord, for he will guide you through life. He will help you guide your family through life. He will demonstrate true love to you. See, you know it is love, not because of all the good times alone, but because of the pain you feel when those times are absent.
Cherish the love you have for your family and never let it go. God never stops loving us. Never give up on love and it will not give up on you. Never stop loving all those around you.
Love your enemy as well as you love your friend. For he that knoweth love, shll know God. He that knoweth God shall love forever.
Let not man tear asunder what God has joined. God joined you to your family, let no one tear it apart. For he who teareth apart what God has joined, so tearth themselves from God.
Remember - God is love. Without God there would be no love. So love God first, love you wife, childrena nd family and love they neighbor.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Our Healthcare Issues
The problem with this whole health care plan that everyone is failing to recognize clearly is that yes, this plan is costing less than the previous plans - it is in no way lowering any deficit, it will just cost the middle class taxpayers less. The deficit will still increase. The middle class taxpayers will have to pay more in taxes to pay for this less expensive plan.
On the other side of it, the cost and fees that are pushed back to the drug companies and insurance companies will have to be paid for somehow. These companies will then charge the middle class more for their insurance and drugs. So eventually about 1/3 of those at the lower end of the middle class will be in poverty.
One other point - why would we even consider covering illegal aliens that should not be in this country? You go to any other country and enter illegally and you most likely end up in a dirty jail cell with no health care coverage.
Years ago they created HMOs - this severely crippled our health care system. We got less coverage and no real savings. It is my belief this plan will do the same in the long run. Maybe we need a plan, but the people in our government both republicans and democrats don't seem to have a solution. Our 2 party system has crippled us. Why do we have to be democrat or republican - we should be putting people in office we truly believe can get the job done.
Obama talked about change – he never explained what that change was. We need to change the way our government operates, remember this government is by the people and for the people. The government should not be dictating to us, it is becoming more and more socialized. We should be dictating to the government how we want this country run. Stand up, get some heart and vote for good people to be in congress. Get away from being democrat or republican - be an American. That is the only way we are going to fix this whole mess. George Bush was no better, helping to contribute to all this.
Joseph Stalin, advocated the following strategy to William Z. Foster, leader of the Communist Party U.S.A.: “Work for more government intervention and control of the business activities of the people. In this way the American people will accept Communism without knowing it.” It was his way of conquering America without a fight - it seems to be working. The Socialist followers of William Z. Foster became part of the Democratic Party in Washington state and in California in the 1950s and early 60s. They are still in play today.
If you want a change in Government – you have to vote a change in government. Abandon this two party system. Find some good independents and various other parties whose candidates are ordinary people, no lawyers or big businessmen. There are honest and hardworking people out their that will stand up for the rights of the American people and not let the government get out of control.
On the other side of it, the cost and fees that are pushed back to the drug companies and insurance companies will have to be paid for somehow. These companies will then charge the middle class more for their insurance and drugs. So eventually about 1/3 of those at the lower end of the middle class will be in poverty.
One other point - why would we even consider covering illegal aliens that should not be in this country? You go to any other country and enter illegally and you most likely end up in a dirty jail cell with no health care coverage.
Years ago they created HMOs - this severely crippled our health care system. We got less coverage and no real savings. It is my belief this plan will do the same in the long run. Maybe we need a plan, but the people in our government both republicans and democrats don't seem to have a solution. Our 2 party system has crippled us. Why do we have to be democrat or republican - we should be putting people in office we truly believe can get the job done.
Obama talked about change – he never explained what that change was. We need to change the way our government operates, remember this government is by the people and for the people. The government should not be dictating to us, it is becoming more and more socialized. We should be dictating to the government how we want this country run. Stand up, get some heart and vote for good people to be in congress. Get away from being democrat or republican - be an American. That is the only way we are going to fix this whole mess. George Bush was no better, helping to contribute to all this.
Joseph Stalin, advocated the following strategy to William Z. Foster, leader of the Communist Party U.S.A.: “Work for more government intervention and control of the business activities of the people. In this way the American people will accept Communism without knowing it.” It was his way of conquering America without a fight - it seems to be working. The Socialist followers of William Z. Foster became part of the Democratic Party in Washington state and in California in the 1950s and early 60s. They are still in play today.
If you want a change in Government – you have to vote a change in government. Abandon this two party system. Find some good independents and various other parties whose candidates are ordinary people, no lawyers or big businessmen. There are honest and hardworking people out their that will stand up for the rights of the American people and not let the government get out of control.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
President Obama on Kanye
Why all the hype over what the PResident said about Kanye. Is is so wrong for him to speak his mind and the truth. There is no excuse for what Kanye did to Taylor Swift ont he the MTV award show. He was outright wrong. Not only was this an embarrassment to Taylor but Beyonce was also embarrassed and shocked. So when the PResident says Kanye was a Jackass - he is only saying with millions of others have already said or are still thinking.
As a public official, you need alwasy to watch what you are saying, so many snoops out in the worls just waiting to latch on to one little slip up(such as the ABC people who reported this). I don't see a need for the President to appologize for this. I believe it would even be ok if he said it directly to Kanye. Kanye has done a lot in the music world, he has so much talent. To do this just tarnishes what he has accomplished. He is a Jackass.
The president's comments were spoken right before an interview for CNBC: "I thought that was really inappropriate," Obama says. "What are you butting in (for)? ... The young lady seems like a perfectly nice person. She's getting her award. What's he doing up there?"
A questioner chimes in, "Why would he do it?"
"He's a jackass," Obama replies, which is met with laughter from several people.
Nothing wrong about this in my book. He spoke his opinion. It was his explosion of thought. Quite frankly I agree with what he said. Kanye's father lives right here in St. Mary's County MD, I wonder what he thinks. I am sure his dad spoke to him about respect.
As a public official, you need alwasy to watch what you are saying, so many snoops out in the worls just waiting to latch on to one little slip up(such as the ABC people who reported this). I don't see a need for the President to appologize for this. I believe it would even be ok if he said it directly to Kanye. Kanye has done a lot in the music world, he has so much talent. To do this just tarnishes what he has accomplished. He is a Jackass.
The president's comments were spoken right before an interview for CNBC: "I thought that was really inappropriate," Obama says. "What are you butting in (for)? ... The young lady seems like a perfectly nice person. She's getting her award. What's he doing up there?"
A questioner chimes in, "Why would he do it?"
"He's a jackass," Obama replies, which is met with laughter from several people.
Nothing wrong about this in my book. He spoke his opinion. It was his explosion of thought. Quite frankly I agree with what he said. Kanye's father lives right here in St. Mary's County MD, I wonder what he thinks. I am sure his dad spoke to him about respect.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Remembering 9/11 - Let's Unite and Be Proud Again!
Do you remember what you were doing on 9/11 when the 2 towers fell at the hands of terrorists and so many people perished? I remember - I was living in Las Vegas and I woke up to get ready for work, I felt very strange and I had this feeling that thousands of souls just screamed - it was very strange. Up to this point I never watched TV early in the morning. I told my girlfriend to turn on the TV and see what happening out there. The news was on and within a few minutes the second plane just hit the second tower - it was shocking. No one really new what was happening yet. Then we heard about the Pentagon getting hit. Our country was attacked, Americans were dead.
The brave people on the last plane realized that something was happening and they gave up their lives to keep that final plane from doing harm to others. They died for their country. Ordinary citizens, Brave Americans. So many afterwards trying to rescue people also gave up their lives to save other Americans. Their were bombs bursting in the air and their were Americans that were brave and our flag still stands. Our Star Spangled Banner - still holding true.
The event brought all Americans closer together - it united us. We all stood up and declared we were proud to be Americans and this event would not bring us down. We had a cause and we wantd to show the world we were strong and proud.
Fast forward to today - are we still proud are we still united? Do we remember what happened? Somehow we lost the momentum. We are not acting so united and we are not being so proud. So today I ask all Americans - Let''s remeber - let's stand up and be proud again, let's stand united and show the world we are Proud to be Americans again. Let's remember all those who died and gave up their lives because they were brave and proud to be Americans!
The brave people on the last plane realized that something was happening and they gave up their lives to keep that final plane from doing harm to others. They died for their country. Ordinary citizens, Brave Americans. So many afterwards trying to rescue people also gave up their lives to save other Americans. Their were bombs bursting in the air and their were Americans that were brave and our flag still stands. Our Star Spangled Banner - still holding true.
The event brought all Americans closer together - it united us. We all stood up and declared we were proud to be Americans and this event would not bring us down. We had a cause and we wantd to show the world we were strong and proud.
Fast forward to today - are we still proud are we still united? Do we remember what happened? Somehow we lost the momentum. We are not acting so united and we are not being so proud. So today I ask all Americans - Let''s remeber - let's stand up and be proud again, let's stand united and show the world we are Proud to be Americans again. Let's remember all those who died and gave up their lives because they were brave and proud to be Americans!
Monday, August 31, 2009
Start Again - A Poem By David Reiner
The world is in shambles,
Everything we do just rambles.
It is all one big con,
Because the pain still goes on.
They say it's all productive,
But we know it is destructive.
They plan for total destruction,
And leave peace no introduction.
Where will we all go?
Will we ever know?
Will this world be ended,
The pain and sorrow left unmended?
The world is falling apart,
No one is left with a heart.
Have we just given up?
Have we drank our last cup?
Let us start again now!
If, we still remember how.
Everyone spread a little love,
Let's make the world as pure as a dove.
I know we can do it,
If we put our minds to it.
Let us show them now,
That we still remember how!
(A Poem From the book - Explosion of Thought - by David Reiner)
Everything we do just rambles.
It is all one big con,
Because the pain still goes on.
They say it's all productive,
But we know it is destructive.
They plan for total destruction,
And leave peace no introduction.
Where will we all go?
Will we ever know?
Will this world be ended,
The pain and sorrow left unmended?
The world is falling apart,
No one is left with a heart.
Have we just given up?
Have we drank our last cup?
Let us start again now!
If, we still remember how.
Everyone spread a little love,
Let's make the world as pure as a dove.
I know we can do it,
If we put our minds to it.
Let us show them now,
That we still remember how!
(A Poem From the book - Explosion of Thought - by David Reiner)
David Reiner,
explosion of thought,
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Ashamed to be an American

When someone can have the guts to write something like this on your door, it is a disgrace to America. Upon returning home from church last Sunday, we discovered someone had wrote KKK on our front door. This was both shocking and disappointing. Having to explain this to my children and have them experience this is more than I can contemplate.
My view on people who are so Racist stands - they should be stripped of their citizenship. It makes me ashamed to call my self an American and it is a disgrace to our country. In this day and age for something to happen like this is unbelievable.
This person or these people who did this are gutless. Afraid to come face to face with me to tell me their views. They are spineless, idiotic and stupid people that can even think of doing this. This is my opinion - My explosion of Thought!
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Racism - An American Disgrace
The incident that happened between Officer Crowly and Mr. Gates was very unfortunate. In a way I do believe race had a small play in what transpired. But the issue of race was not brought up by the officer and our President seemed to believe initially. It was Mr. Gates who threw out the race issue when he was asked if he lived there and to produce an ID. It was in fact he who initiated the racial discrimination. Knowing full well as a professor that by throwing out this comment he could start an incident. Was it all his fault though - keep reading for more of my view.
See I know full well about racial discrimination. I grew up with it all my life. I suffered through it in grade school until I learned to use it to my advantage against the teachers in the school who maybe unknowingly allowed it to fester. See – if you called a black person any type of name – they had a solution – they kicked you out of school or at least suspended you – that was dependent more on the social status of your family. Unfortunately, I was not black. I was an Asian/American, more of a minority at the time then a Black American. I sympathized with all who were discriminated against and eventually I learned to stand up for myself. Maybe not in the correct way at first. I was call many names growing up from – Dirty Jap, Nip, Chink, told to go back to my country( I was born in the USA – so don’t know where else to go) and much more. Then they would start to taunt me and hit me – I was told to turn the other cheek – that did not work, I just got hit twice as hard. So I decided I needed to learn to defend myself – I made a promise to myself – I would never start a fight – but I also would not allow anyone to beat me up anymore. A rage had built up in me over the years and those who faced me would have to face it.
One day after a fight when of all people a Hispanic called me a chink and came after me I got in a fight with a person who was 2 years older than me. He grabbed me and started to bang on my back and came from behind and put me in a bear hug, so I used my head and head butted him repeatedly as his head slammed against the wall and I bloodied his nose. He backed off and ran to a teachers room, she pulled me in the room and started to yell at me – how could I start such a fight she said. To my amazement, the other guy spoke up and said it was his fault, he started it by calling me a name and then hitting me. Not to mention he was much larger than I. So the teacher backed down and told us both to leave. Later that day my home room teacher wanted to speak to me. She asked me why I had some much rage and anger in me, I told her that I was fed up with people picking on me because of my race and ethnic background, I told her if some one called a black person a name they responded quickly and threw people out of school but they could call me names and more and they did nothing. Her response was that I had to learn to live with it. I told her that she was wrong, that she would have to learn to live with it, she said she did not understand. So I elaborated – you created me – now you have to learn to live with that. Teachers sometimes teach the wrong things in school in a way that allowed racism to grow and fester.
Racial discrimination contradicts the 1776 United States Declaration of Independence which clearly states: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
I now live in an area in St. Mary’s County Maryland where racial and ethnic discrimination is prevalent. It is much worse than people want to admit. When you have neighbors that say they will not shop at a certain Mall or go to certain Amusement parks because they are “Too Dark” or they are glad the neighborhood is not “Too Dark”. They do not want their kids to associate with those that are “Too Dark”. Their kids are allowed to walk around and use the “N’ word and sing songs about Japs and Chinks need to go back to their own country. I do not allow anyone to talk or speak like this in my presence. My father-in-law was asked to leave my house because of speaking with racial slurs. I believe that there are those in government positions and on the police force in the county and through out the country that are slanted against those who are not of their ethnic heritage. They favor and treat people a certain way because of this. It is a shame and a disgrace to this country. After an incident at my home this week it shows me what it is like. See I had a person trespass on my property, try to force their way in my home and tried to start a fight. He was drunk and belligerent. I did what a person should do and called the police. When they came to my home – they should have all come to my house since I called them to take my report – instead one of them went across the street to the other person and was joking with them before coming o see me. When he came down, he had the policewoman take my name and asked for our ID, then as she took the report, he went back up and joked with the other person who I called to complain about. He never took out his pad while talking to them, never took down their names and never asked them for an ID. He explained to me he could not arrest the other person since he had a different story than me, but the other person did admit he was on my property. I was standing there with a ripped shirt and a scratch on my chest. I said well maybe I should call your supervisor, he got very riled at that point – I could see the veins in his head poke out – and told me I would do no such thing. He was there to institute the law – I say phooey. I checked on it and he could have arrested the other person – the other person trespassed on my property, he tried to force his way into my home. By law when he entered my home violently scaring my children and my wife I could have pummeled him and been within the law. I knew he was drunk, so I called to police, who it turns out really did not do what they should have. So now maybe I have to sympathize more with Mr. Gates. Maybe my ethnic heritage might have played a small part in this, I am a minority. See I believe the officer could not escalate this further because I remained calm, I did not throw out a race card and I spoke to the officer respectfully even though I could see he was pretty agitated, starting to sweat and his veins were poking out of his head. Can it really be, was race an issue. If I did the same thing to this person and went on his property and tried to force a fight would I have been treated different if I called the police? - Maybe the President needs to bring me and this officer to the White House to find out if it is so.
Is there an issue with race in this country – yes there is. It is a big factor that weakens us as a nation. Racism is an American Disgrace! Who teaches this to our children. You are not born with racism in your blood. It is something that is taught, it is taught by our parents and other elders within society that have never grown out of it. It has been handed down from generation to generation. Some where we have to stop this chain – we need our teachers to reach that discrimination against any person of any racial or ethnic background is wrong. It does not matter what your skin color of ethnicity is, White, Black, Hispanic, Asian , Indian – if your slur against someone due to this you are a racist, pure and simple.
This contains many facts so it is not all just my opinion – but as always it is – My Explosion of Thought!
See I know full well about racial discrimination. I grew up with it all my life. I suffered through it in grade school until I learned to use it to my advantage against the teachers in the school who maybe unknowingly allowed it to fester. See – if you called a black person any type of name – they had a solution – they kicked you out of school or at least suspended you – that was dependent more on the social status of your family. Unfortunately, I was not black. I was an Asian/American, more of a minority at the time then a Black American. I sympathized with all who were discriminated against and eventually I learned to stand up for myself. Maybe not in the correct way at first. I was call many names growing up from – Dirty Jap, Nip, Chink, told to go back to my country( I was born in the USA – so don’t know where else to go) and much more. Then they would start to taunt me and hit me – I was told to turn the other cheek – that did not work, I just got hit twice as hard. So I decided I needed to learn to defend myself – I made a promise to myself – I would never start a fight – but I also would not allow anyone to beat me up anymore. A rage had built up in me over the years and those who faced me would have to face it.
One day after a fight when of all people a Hispanic called me a chink and came after me I got in a fight with a person who was 2 years older than me. He grabbed me and started to bang on my back and came from behind and put me in a bear hug, so I used my head and head butted him repeatedly as his head slammed against the wall and I bloodied his nose. He backed off and ran to a teachers room, she pulled me in the room and started to yell at me – how could I start such a fight she said. To my amazement, the other guy spoke up and said it was his fault, he started it by calling me a name and then hitting me. Not to mention he was much larger than I. So the teacher backed down and told us both to leave. Later that day my home room teacher wanted to speak to me. She asked me why I had some much rage and anger in me, I told her that I was fed up with people picking on me because of my race and ethnic background, I told her if some one called a black person a name they responded quickly and threw people out of school but they could call me names and more and they did nothing. Her response was that I had to learn to live with it. I told her that she was wrong, that she would have to learn to live with it, she said she did not understand. So I elaborated – you created me – now you have to learn to live with that. Teachers sometimes teach the wrong things in school in a way that allowed racism to grow and fester.
Racial discrimination contradicts the 1776 United States Declaration of Independence which clearly states: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
I now live in an area in St. Mary’s County Maryland where racial and ethnic discrimination is prevalent. It is much worse than people want to admit. When you have neighbors that say they will not shop at a certain Mall or go to certain Amusement parks because they are “Too Dark” or they are glad the neighborhood is not “Too Dark”. They do not want their kids to associate with those that are “Too Dark”. Their kids are allowed to walk around and use the “N’ word and sing songs about Japs and Chinks need to go back to their own country. I do not allow anyone to talk or speak like this in my presence. My father-in-law was asked to leave my house because of speaking with racial slurs. I believe that there are those in government positions and on the police force in the county and through out the country that are slanted against those who are not of their ethnic heritage. They favor and treat people a certain way because of this. It is a shame and a disgrace to this country. After an incident at my home this week it shows me what it is like. See I had a person trespass on my property, try to force their way in my home and tried to start a fight. He was drunk and belligerent. I did what a person should do and called the police. When they came to my home – they should have all come to my house since I called them to take my report – instead one of them went across the street to the other person and was joking with them before coming o see me. When he came down, he had the policewoman take my name and asked for our ID, then as she took the report, he went back up and joked with the other person who I called to complain about. He never took out his pad while talking to them, never took down their names and never asked them for an ID. He explained to me he could not arrest the other person since he had a different story than me, but the other person did admit he was on my property. I was standing there with a ripped shirt and a scratch on my chest. I said well maybe I should call your supervisor, he got very riled at that point – I could see the veins in his head poke out – and told me I would do no such thing. He was there to institute the law – I say phooey. I checked on it and he could have arrested the other person – the other person trespassed on my property, he tried to force his way into my home. By law when he entered my home violently scaring my children and my wife I could have pummeled him and been within the law. I knew he was drunk, so I called to police, who it turns out really did not do what they should have. So now maybe I have to sympathize more with Mr. Gates. Maybe my ethnic heritage might have played a small part in this, I am a minority. See I believe the officer could not escalate this further because I remained calm, I did not throw out a race card and I spoke to the officer respectfully even though I could see he was pretty agitated, starting to sweat and his veins were poking out of his head. Can it really be, was race an issue. If I did the same thing to this person and went on his property and tried to force a fight would I have been treated different if I called the police? - Maybe the President needs to bring me and this officer to the White House to find out if it is so.
Is there an issue with race in this country – yes there is. It is a big factor that weakens us as a nation. Racism is an American Disgrace! Who teaches this to our children. You are not born with racism in your blood. It is something that is taught, it is taught by our parents and other elders within society that have never grown out of it. It has been handed down from generation to generation. Some where we have to stop this chain – we need our teachers to reach that discrimination against any person of any racial or ethnic background is wrong. It does not matter what your skin color of ethnicity is, White, Black, Hispanic, Asian , Indian – if your slur against someone due to this you are a racist, pure and simple.
This contains many facts so it is not all just my opinion – but as always it is – My Explosion of Thought!
Racial Slurs,
Monday, July 27, 2009
Patience, Politics and the Stimulus
President Obama is more and more emphasizing the politics of patience as he tries to maintain the trust and support of the American people. It is still quite uncertain if this will work - polls show mounting anxiety about Obama's policies including his $787 billion stimulus package. This stimulus package has not had as big impact so far as was his original plan. The outlandish spending has pushed the federal deficit to the remarkable level of more than $1 trillion this year.
What is startling to many voters is that unemployment keeps climbing upward. It has hit 9.5 percent, the highest mark in over 25 years and I still predict the rate to hit 11 percent in the next 3 or 4 months. Obama and his advisers had predicted that his stimulus package would hold unemployment at or below 8 percent. Was he too ambitious? Did he rush this package out without enough research and understanding just to show he was capable of moving quickly?
Last week, Obama's leaning to more patience became quite apparent. While pushing for immediate congressional action on healthcare, he admitted there isn't a cure all. He is now willing to accept that this Healthcare Bill will not be voted on before the Congress breaks for the summer recess.
While speaking to reporters in Washington, he spoke some of the unemployment rate: "This has been a more severe recession than we've seen since the Great Depression, so how unemployment numbers are going to respond is not yet clear. My expectation is that we will probably continue to see unemployment tick up for several months. And the challenge for this administration is to make sure that even as we are stabilizing the financial system, we understand that the most important thing in the economy is: Are people able to find good jobs that pay good wages?"
While speaking in Michigan, which is has been hit by the nation's highest jobless rate of 15.2 percent, Obama said he inherited such a mess that it will take a long time before the overall economy shows much improvement. He claimed he is an activist and his Republican critics as do-nothing complainers. "I love these folks who helped get us into this mess and then suddenly say, 'Well, this is Obama's economy,' " the president argued. "That's fine—give it to me. My job is to solve problems, not to stand on the sidelines and carp and gripe." This mess we are in goes back quite far and is not all the fault of the Republicans. Many of the policies followed plans made by the Clinton administration while he was in office.
What the Democrats are worried about is that the unemployment rate in several key states—including Michigan, Ohio, Florida, and Indiana—has already soared to well over 10 percent, and they know the big fear is that this is an indication of things to come nationally. Republicans and some economist go further, arguing that these states show that Obama's prescriptions are not only failing but are starting to make matters worse.
Some Americans do understand that it took us years to get into this mess, and it will take a while to get us out. But there is a growing number of Americans that are much more restless and anxious than Obama once thought. A recent CBS News poll shows that sixty percent of Americans say Obama's stimulus package has made no difference in the economy, 21 percent say it has had a positive impact, and 15 percent say it has made the economy worse. Fifty-seven percent say the country is on the wrong track, up from 50 percent in June.
The President is also asking for more time to solve several other problems. He is now urging for more patience in Afghanistan, where his surge of troops and more aggressive combat operations against terrorists are increasing casualties and the cost. This is now becoming more his war, just as Iraq was George Bush’s. He is asking for patience in Iran, wanting now to carefully evaluate the new reform movement before doing anything more dramatic. He wants patience in dealing with immigration, which he has now put on the back burner in Congress because of deep divisions over the issue. He is begging for patience in dealing with the tensions and hatreds between Israel and the Palestinians. He wants more understanding of why Gitmo will not be closing down quite as soon as he had promised it would. Is he now just starting to realize to complexities of running this country? Does he understand now that he needs to evaluate things more carefully before rushing into something blind? I have mentioned many times before he needs to slow down and smell the roses, sit back and evaluate before just doing something. He wanted to show us he could accomplish things quickly, but in the process he has created more of a mess.
A boss once told me it is better to do something and ask for forgiveness later. That may work for small things, but sometimes it is better to examine the angles and make sure what you do gets’ done right. There is less of a mess and things tend to go more smoothly.
Ed Gillespie, a prominent GOP strategist and former White House counselor to President George W. Bush said about Obama: "he has got to stop overpromising and underperforming." The fear in the White House is that many more Americans are starting to notice the difference. Many of Obama’s supporters said he would do wonders - well he has - he has spent more in 6 months than all of the other’s combined. What does this do to our future when the American Taxpayer has to repay all this in a few years. When the middle class again see their taxes increase, the backbone of America beaten down again. Again just my opinion – My Explosion of Thought!
What is startling to many voters is that unemployment keeps climbing upward. It has hit 9.5 percent, the highest mark in over 25 years and I still predict the rate to hit 11 percent in the next 3 or 4 months. Obama and his advisers had predicted that his stimulus package would hold unemployment at or below 8 percent. Was he too ambitious? Did he rush this package out without enough research and understanding just to show he was capable of moving quickly?
Last week, Obama's leaning to more patience became quite apparent. While pushing for immediate congressional action on healthcare, he admitted there isn't a cure all. He is now willing to accept that this Healthcare Bill will not be voted on before the Congress breaks for the summer recess.
While speaking to reporters in Washington, he spoke some of the unemployment rate: "This has been a more severe recession than we've seen since the Great Depression, so how unemployment numbers are going to respond is not yet clear. My expectation is that we will probably continue to see unemployment tick up for several months. And the challenge for this administration is to make sure that even as we are stabilizing the financial system, we understand that the most important thing in the economy is: Are people able to find good jobs that pay good wages?"
While speaking in Michigan, which is has been hit by the nation's highest jobless rate of 15.2 percent, Obama said he inherited such a mess that it will take a long time before the overall economy shows much improvement. He claimed he is an activist and his Republican critics as do-nothing complainers. "I love these folks who helped get us into this mess and then suddenly say, 'Well, this is Obama's economy,' " the president argued. "That's fine—give it to me. My job is to solve problems, not to stand on the sidelines and carp and gripe." This mess we are in goes back quite far and is not all the fault of the Republicans. Many of the policies followed plans made by the Clinton administration while he was in office.
What the Democrats are worried about is that the unemployment rate in several key states—including Michigan, Ohio, Florida, and Indiana—has already soared to well over 10 percent, and they know the big fear is that this is an indication of things to come nationally. Republicans and some economist go further, arguing that these states show that Obama's prescriptions are not only failing but are starting to make matters worse.
Some Americans do understand that it took us years to get into this mess, and it will take a while to get us out. But there is a growing number of Americans that are much more restless and anxious than Obama once thought. A recent CBS News poll shows that sixty percent of Americans say Obama's stimulus package has made no difference in the economy, 21 percent say it has had a positive impact, and 15 percent say it has made the economy worse. Fifty-seven percent say the country is on the wrong track, up from 50 percent in June.
The President is also asking for more time to solve several other problems. He is now urging for more patience in Afghanistan, where his surge of troops and more aggressive combat operations against terrorists are increasing casualties and the cost. This is now becoming more his war, just as Iraq was George Bush’s. He is asking for patience in Iran, wanting now to carefully evaluate the new reform movement before doing anything more dramatic. He wants patience in dealing with immigration, which he has now put on the back burner in Congress because of deep divisions over the issue. He is begging for patience in dealing with the tensions and hatreds between Israel and the Palestinians. He wants more understanding of why Gitmo will not be closing down quite as soon as he had promised it would. Is he now just starting to realize to complexities of running this country? Does he understand now that he needs to evaluate things more carefully before rushing into something blind? I have mentioned many times before he needs to slow down and smell the roses, sit back and evaluate before just doing something. He wanted to show us he could accomplish things quickly, but in the process he has created more of a mess.
A boss once told me it is better to do something and ask for forgiveness later. That may work for small things, but sometimes it is better to examine the angles and make sure what you do gets’ done right. There is less of a mess and things tend to go more smoothly.
Ed Gillespie, a prominent GOP strategist and former White House counselor to President George W. Bush said about Obama: "he has got to stop overpromising and underperforming." The fear in the White House is that many more Americans are starting to notice the difference. Many of Obama’s supporters said he would do wonders - well he has - he has spent more in 6 months than all of the other’s combined. What does this do to our future when the American Taxpayer has to repay all this in a few years. When the middle class again see their taxes increase, the backbone of America beaten down again. Again just my opinion – My Explosion of Thought!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Health Care and The Hard-Line Questions
On Tuesday, just after the 1,018-page Health Care document was released, it didn't take long to run into an "What the #*@*" moment when examining the House's "health care for all Americans" bill. You only have to read to page 16 where there is a provision making individual private medical insurance illegal. That is correct – ILLEGAL!
The House Ways and Means Committee confirmed the language on this. The provision would absolutely outlaw individual private coverage. If you look under the Orwellian header of "Protecting The Choice To Keep Current Coverage," the "Limitation On New Enrollment" section of the bill clearly states:
"Except as provided in this paragraph, the individual health insurance issuer offering such coverage does not enroll any individual in such coverage if the first effective date of coverage is on or after the first day" of the year the legislation becomes law.
In essence we can keep our current coverage, just as promised — with some major exceptions: If you currently have private individual coverage, you won't be able to change it. Those who want to leave a company to work for themselves be free to buy individual plans from private carriers.
The opponents of the public option plan have been warning that if the government gets into the business of offering some form of health insurance coverage, the private insurance market will suffer greatly. With a public option that will be 30% to 40% less costly than their current premiums because taxpayers will be funding it, many employers will gladly scrap private plans and go with the Government’s coverage option.
It has been estimated by a few nonpartisan groups, that up to 120 million or more Americans could lose their group coverage at work and end up in a Government program. Private carrierswill be left with about 50 million or fewer customers. This could cause great stress in the insurance market and cause most companies for wither away.
What wasn't known until the proposed document was released is that this Health Care Bill will in itself kill the market for private individual coverage. Without any new policies being allowed to be written after the public option becomes law it will crash the insurance markets.
This legislation will also likely end health savings accounts, a primary goal that Democrats have had for years. They have wanted to crush that option because nothing gives individuals more control over their medical care, and the government less, than HSAs.
This will not be an option for many of us but an actual Government mandate. A free society of people should be outraged at this advance of socio-communism, for this is what it represents. Our Government does not have the constitutional or moral authority to outlaw private markets in which people voluntarily participate. It should not be killing business opportunities, limiting choices, or legislating major changes in Americans' lives. We need to step up and speak out – Health Care may need some reform – but not like this. Why don’t we see the press speaking out more – this brings me to my other beef.
President Obama is an eloquent and wonderful speaker – that is when his speeches are well scripted and rehearsed. At his last press conference – why didn’t the press speak out more. Why did they not ask the hard and unscripted questions. Why do they allow this President to walk all over them and they only be allowed to ask what is scripted in advance. They sit nice and quietly in the press conference and when it is time for questioning, a few select press associates are allowed to ask a question. They are notified in advance on who the President will call on and what questions they will be allowed to ask. Why not ask about what is going on in Iraq? Why do we need so many more troops sent to Afghanistan? Why does it appear that Afghanistan is now becoming President Obama’s war as Iraq was President Bush’s war. He is not bringing home our troops, only transferring them to another location. Why is this Health Care Bill(over 1000 pages long) being rammed down our throats? Why does it have to be approved so quickly? What is hidden in it? More of the above – that was only page 16 – imagine what is in the other 900 and some odd pages. The American Press is so enamored by this President they have become a bunch of woosies, they have lost their backbone. Ask the hard-line questions and make him give us answers. After all this is just my opinion – My Explosion of Thought!
The House Ways and Means Committee confirmed the language on this. The provision would absolutely outlaw individual private coverage. If you look under the Orwellian header of "Protecting The Choice To Keep Current Coverage," the "Limitation On New Enrollment" section of the bill clearly states:
"Except as provided in this paragraph, the individual health insurance issuer offering such coverage does not enroll any individual in such coverage if the first effective date of coverage is on or after the first day" of the year the legislation becomes law.
In essence we can keep our current coverage, just as promised — with some major exceptions: If you currently have private individual coverage, you won't be able to change it. Those who want to leave a company to work for themselves be free to buy individual plans from private carriers.
The opponents of the public option plan have been warning that if the government gets into the business of offering some form of health insurance coverage, the private insurance market will suffer greatly. With a public option that will be 30% to 40% less costly than their current premiums because taxpayers will be funding it, many employers will gladly scrap private plans and go with the Government’s coverage option.
It has been estimated by a few nonpartisan groups, that up to 120 million or more Americans could lose their group coverage at work and end up in a Government program. Private carrierswill be left with about 50 million or fewer customers. This could cause great stress in the insurance market and cause most companies for wither away.
What wasn't known until the proposed document was released is that this Health Care Bill will in itself kill the market for private individual coverage. Without any new policies being allowed to be written after the public option becomes law it will crash the insurance markets.
This legislation will also likely end health savings accounts, a primary goal that Democrats have had for years. They have wanted to crush that option because nothing gives individuals more control over their medical care, and the government less, than HSAs.
This will not be an option for many of us but an actual Government mandate. A free society of people should be outraged at this advance of socio-communism, for this is what it represents. Our Government does not have the constitutional or moral authority to outlaw private markets in which people voluntarily participate. It should not be killing business opportunities, limiting choices, or legislating major changes in Americans' lives. We need to step up and speak out – Health Care may need some reform – but not like this. Why don’t we see the press speaking out more – this brings me to my other beef.
President Obama is an eloquent and wonderful speaker – that is when his speeches are well scripted and rehearsed. At his last press conference – why didn’t the press speak out more. Why did they not ask the hard and unscripted questions. Why do they allow this President to walk all over them and they only be allowed to ask what is scripted in advance. They sit nice and quietly in the press conference and when it is time for questioning, a few select press associates are allowed to ask a question. They are notified in advance on who the President will call on and what questions they will be allowed to ask. Why not ask about what is going on in Iraq? Why do we need so many more troops sent to Afghanistan? Why does it appear that Afghanistan is now becoming President Obama’s war as Iraq was President Bush’s war. He is not bringing home our troops, only transferring them to another location. Why is this Health Care Bill(over 1000 pages long) being rammed down our throats? Why does it have to be approved so quickly? What is hidden in it? More of the above – that was only page 16 – imagine what is in the other 900 and some odd pages. The American Press is so enamored by this President they have become a bunch of woosies, they have lost their backbone. Ask the hard-line questions and make him give us answers. After all this is just my opinion – My Explosion of Thought!
Health Care,
Thursday, July 9, 2009
What Happened to the Stimulus?
Where the government stimulus money? Where’s the beef? Why hasn't any of the $787 billion stimulus money stemmed the heart-stopping slide in U.S. employment? This plan was all about jobs, creating jobs now and in the long term. The Obama Administration officials pledged to save or create between 3 million and 4 million jobs with the measure. The government's employment figures on July 2 came in much worse that expected. The job losses leaped to 467,000 in June. This is the worst it has been since 1983. With unemployment now at 9.5%. My prediction has been that it may reach 11% before things start to stabilize. Confidence in this stimulus plan has been slipping.
It is now reported that Vice-President Joe Biden will suggest another stimulus plan is possible, with the announcement coming this weekend. This is a big shift from President Obama's position just two weeks ago, saying that more spending isn't yet called for.
Some experts say that the stimulus spending is going about as quickly as expected. The task of dispensing billions of dollars simply takes time. The government contracting rules slow things down a bit and much of federal spending is funneled through the states which can slow things to a crawl. Also, a chunk of the spending was intentionally spread out over several years. There are also other projects that are long-term in nature. Maybe the government should have looked at ways to speed up the process of funneling this stimulus money before they dispensed it. There are many physical, legal and processes of how fast you can spend and funnel the money. Then much of it also gets tied up with state policies and politics.
Right now it looks like legislation has been somewhat slow to unfold. Reports show that about $65 billion of the $420 billion that was in the stimulus package for contract and infrastructure spending has already been spent. About 18,500 specific projects are covered under the legislation, approximately 1,800 of them have had contracts awarded. There are about 5,000 or so out to bid. The funds for many others have been allocated but not spent. It appears that this plan was rushed to attempt to show that the government was doing something. It might have been better to delay the process a few months and do some better upfront planning. Find ways to relax the rules to allow the money to flow more quickly and be funneled in a way to realize more progress.
There is also a better way to stimulate the economy than bailing out so many businesses and banks. The big banks have been taken care of, but many smaller institutions have been allowed to fail. This is also now showing an effect on the economy. It appears that the high profile things were targeted to show that there was progress being made. Much like a big show. A lot of fluff and not enough substance.
To stimulate the economy you need to stimulate the right elements that can give a boost to spending that will create growth. A stimulus that includes a meaningful tax break for the middle to lower income earners would allow more Americans to keep what they earn and allow them to have additional funds to spend and pump back into the economy. This extra spending would allow businesses to start to grow, which in turn would allow for more jobs and less layoffs. An initial stimulus of $800 - $1500 to each taxpayer making under $125,000/year followed by a tax break would give the economy a shot in the arm. The paltry tax break included in the stimulus plan was a slap in the face to the American taxpayer. With the flaws in the way it was set up, many Americans will have to pay back some of the extra they are seeing in heir checks because they are actually getting too much back – this pertains to married couples where both partners are working. Based on what the government has paid out for bailouts, a stimulus with a payment to the taxpayer and a tax break would actually be a cheaper plan. Again my opinion – My Explosion of Thought!
It is now reported that Vice-President Joe Biden will suggest another stimulus plan is possible, with the announcement coming this weekend. This is a big shift from President Obama's position just two weeks ago, saying that more spending isn't yet called for.
Some experts say that the stimulus spending is going about as quickly as expected. The task of dispensing billions of dollars simply takes time. The government contracting rules slow things down a bit and much of federal spending is funneled through the states which can slow things to a crawl. Also, a chunk of the spending was intentionally spread out over several years. There are also other projects that are long-term in nature. Maybe the government should have looked at ways to speed up the process of funneling this stimulus money before they dispensed it. There are many physical, legal and processes of how fast you can spend and funnel the money. Then much of it also gets tied up with state policies and politics.
Right now it looks like legislation has been somewhat slow to unfold. Reports show that about $65 billion of the $420 billion that was in the stimulus package for contract and infrastructure spending has already been spent. About 18,500 specific projects are covered under the legislation, approximately 1,800 of them have had contracts awarded. There are about 5,000 or so out to bid. The funds for many others have been allocated but not spent. It appears that this plan was rushed to attempt to show that the government was doing something. It might have been better to delay the process a few months and do some better upfront planning. Find ways to relax the rules to allow the money to flow more quickly and be funneled in a way to realize more progress.
There is also a better way to stimulate the economy than bailing out so many businesses and banks. The big banks have been taken care of, but many smaller institutions have been allowed to fail. This is also now showing an effect on the economy. It appears that the high profile things were targeted to show that there was progress being made. Much like a big show. A lot of fluff and not enough substance.
To stimulate the economy you need to stimulate the right elements that can give a boost to spending that will create growth. A stimulus that includes a meaningful tax break for the middle to lower income earners would allow more Americans to keep what they earn and allow them to have additional funds to spend and pump back into the economy. This extra spending would allow businesses to start to grow, which in turn would allow for more jobs and less layoffs. An initial stimulus of $800 - $1500 to each taxpayer making under $125,000/year followed by a tax break would give the economy a shot in the arm. The paltry tax break included in the stimulus plan was a slap in the face to the American taxpayer. With the flaws in the way it was set up, many Americans will have to pay back some of the extra they are seeing in heir checks because they are actually getting too much back – this pertains to married couples where both partners are working. Based on what the government has paid out for bailouts, a stimulus with a payment to the taxpayer and a tax break would actually be a cheaper plan. Again my opinion – My Explosion of Thought!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Smile - Michael Jackson
This was Michael Jackson’s favorite song – Smile - It was the theme music for Charlie Chaplin‘s final silent picture “Modern Times” in 1936. Nat King Cole made it popular in 1954 when they put the words to it and he sang it. This was performed today by Jermaine Jackson at his brother’s memorial. Even though the song is titled Smile – not a dry eye was in attendance. This song is kind of how Michael Jackson lived each day:
Smile though your heart is aching
Smile even though it’s breaking
When there are clouds in the sky, you’ll get by
If you smile through your fear and sorrow
Smile and maybe tomorrow
You’ll see the sun come shining through for you
Light up your face with gladness
Hide every trace of sadness
Although a tear may be ever so near
That’s the time you must keep on trying
Smile, what's the use of crying?
You'll find that life is still worthwhile
If you just smile
That's the time you must keep on trying
Smile, what's the use of crying?
You'll find that life is still worthwhile
If you just smile
Smile though your heart is aching
Smile even though it’s breaking
When there are clouds in the sky, you’ll get by
If you smile through your fear and sorrow
Smile and maybe tomorrow
You’ll see the sun come shining through for you
Light up your face with gladness
Hide every trace of sadness
Although a tear may be ever so near
That’s the time you must keep on trying
Smile, what's the use of crying?
You'll find that life is still worthwhile
If you just smile
That's the time you must keep on trying
Smile, what's the use of crying?
You'll find that life is still worthwhile
If you just smile
Charlie Chaplin,
Michael Jackson,
Nat King Cole,
Monday, July 6, 2009
Sarah Palin
In a surprising, perplexing move from a national politician, Republican Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's decision to resign at the end of this month is one of the most stunning. No one is quite sure what she has on her mind, but most believe she is positioning herself for a run at the 2012 Presidential nomination.
Some have criticized her for making this move now and have said she is bailing out when to going is getting tough. Not sure if this is so but there may be other reasons also.
Logistically being located in Alaska is a hindrance for Palin's national ambitions. Alaska can take the better part of a day to travel to or from. They are 4 hours back from East Coast time and she can not just pop form Alaska to another State quickly to make an appearance. Governors also are not doing so great on the political landscape. With budget short falls and the economy to deal with, they have been taking a hard rap lately.
Sarah Palin had indicated on a social networking site that she would take on a larger, national role, citing a "higher calling" to unite the country along conservative lines. She has laid the groundwork for a possible presidential run over the past few months as evidenced by her establishing a political action committee. In order for Sarah Palin to build a political machine that will be needed to run for President, she needs to put a face and voice on the national scene. She needs to put in time in Washington and pick up some bright prospects for her political action committee. She will need to rebuild her image to gain more support from the moderates as she has done with many conservatives. She needs to brush up on world politics and her history and would benefit more from a voice on Radio, where more people would need to listen to her in contrast to looking at her.
Vanity Fair magazine published a highly critical piece on Palin last week, with John McCain campaign aides (who were afraid to be named) questioning if Palin was ever really prepared for the presidency. John McCain has come out since then in praise of her and has said he was honored to have her as his running mate.
Like it or not, I believe Sarah Palin will be around for sometime to come. She is a little rough around the edges, a little corny sometimes, but she is well liked and received among the conservative base. Despite those, namely a night time comedian who has since apologized, who have tried to tear down her family, she has persevered. She is a strong woman and the Republican Party needs to bring more like her into the party to strengthen their base. I see her moving up the chain in the party as the time nears for the 2012 election. Again just my opinion – My explosion of thought!
Some have criticized her for making this move now and have said she is bailing out when to going is getting tough. Not sure if this is so but there may be other reasons also.
Logistically being located in Alaska is a hindrance for Palin's national ambitions. Alaska can take the better part of a day to travel to or from. They are 4 hours back from East Coast time and she can not just pop form Alaska to another State quickly to make an appearance. Governors also are not doing so great on the political landscape. With budget short falls and the economy to deal with, they have been taking a hard rap lately.
Sarah Palin had indicated on a social networking site that she would take on a larger, national role, citing a "higher calling" to unite the country along conservative lines. She has laid the groundwork for a possible presidential run over the past few months as evidenced by her establishing a political action committee. In order for Sarah Palin to build a political machine that will be needed to run for President, she needs to put a face and voice on the national scene. She needs to put in time in Washington and pick up some bright prospects for her political action committee. She will need to rebuild her image to gain more support from the moderates as she has done with many conservatives. She needs to brush up on world politics and her history and would benefit more from a voice on Radio, where more people would need to listen to her in contrast to looking at her.
Vanity Fair magazine published a highly critical piece on Palin last week, with John McCain campaign aides (who were afraid to be named) questioning if Palin was ever really prepared for the presidency. John McCain has come out since then in praise of her and has said he was honored to have her as his running mate.
Like it or not, I believe Sarah Palin will be around for sometime to come. She is a little rough around the edges, a little corny sometimes, but she is well liked and received among the conservative base. Despite those, namely a night time comedian who has since apologized, who have tried to tear down her family, she has persevered. She is a strong woman and the Republican Party needs to bring more like her into the party to strengthen their base. I see her moving up the chain in the party as the time nears for the 2012 election. Again just my opinion – My explosion of thought!
2012 Election,
Presidential Run,
Sarah Palin
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Michael Jackson
Michael Jackson, the icon of generations of people around the world has died. He was the true "King of Pop" and the biggest celebrity music has known. He was only 50. Jackson died at UCLA Medical Center in Los Angeles. The circumstances surrounding Jackson's death were not immediately clear. He was not breathing when Los Angeles Fire Department paramedics responded to a call at his Los Angeles home about 12:30 p.m. Paramedics performed CPR and took him to UCLA Medical Center where he was pronounced dead at 2:26pm PST.
Jackson's death brings a sad and tragic end to a long, bizarre decline from his peak in the 1980s, when he was popular music's premier all-around performer. He united black and white music and he shattered the race barrier on MTV, dominated the charts and dazzled millions more on stage.
I remember when Thriller came out. Thriller made music videos popular. With out it, the music industry would not be where it is today. The red jacket he originally wore was a fashion icon and many people around the world had to have one. He created the moonwalk and showed the world what music and dance could do together. Here was a man/child. A boy never given the opportunity to be a child, who became a child in adulthood. Dispite all the scandals, he was still immensley popular as seen by the minutes it took to sell out 50 shows in London. It would have been music's biggest comeback. So today is the day the music died. The child of music is now able to rest and be the child he never could be in life.
I offer my sincere condolences to his children, parents, siblings, all of his family and friends. Michael you will be missed.
Jackson's death brings a sad and tragic end to a long, bizarre decline from his peak in the 1980s, when he was popular music's premier all-around performer. He united black and white music and he shattered the race barrier on MTV, dominated the charts and dazzled millions more on stage.
I remember when Thriller came out. Thriller made music videos popular. With out it, the music industry would not be where it is today. The red jacket he originally wore was a fashion icon and many people around the world had to have one. He created the moonwalk and showed the world what music and dance could do together. Here was a man/child. A boy never given the opportunity to be a child, who became a child in adulthood. Dispite all the scandals, he was still immensley popular as seen by the minutes it took to sell out 50 shows in London. It would have been music's biggest comeback. So today is the day the music died. The child of music is now able to rest and be the child he never could be in life.
I offer my sincere condolences to his children, parents, siblings, all of his family and friends. Michael you will be missed.
Jackson Dead,
King of Pop,
Michael Jackson,
Pop Icon
Iranian Protest
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad told President Barack Obama on Thursday to stop meddling in Iran’s affairs. He has also blasted Britain and some other European nations, saying they were run by “politically retarded people.” Is this really a person who ever even considered wanting a real relationship with the outside world. He insults most of Europe calling their leaders retarded.
After all President Obama was actually lenient in his words to them. All he said was that there were significant questions about the election results and that he was “appalled and outraged” by the violent suppression of the protests. The Iranian government's threats and the violence against their own people. Harming and killing people of their own nation who just ask for truth and justice? The awful images and video of the young woman Neda Soltani during her last breaths who was so brutally murdered by the Basij. ( and –warning this one is gruesome: )Appalled and outraged are somewhat weak.
If you ask me, Obama did not speak loud enough. He did not significantly show enough of his outrage and anger in his speech. He needs to puff up his chest, show more emotion in his voice, slam his fist on the podium. Ahmadinejad warned that Obama’s comments were similar to those of his predecessor George W. Bush—who took a hard line against the Islamic republic—and could ruin any possible dialogue between the two countries. Lie he ever gave a thought to this in the first place.
Ahmadinejad asked: “Do you think this behavior will solve the problem for you? This will not have any result except that the people will consider you somebody similar to Bush.” Does this man not look at the behavior of his own government? Obama only used words, look at what his government has done and continues to do to their own people. What amazes me more is the brainwashing they have done within their own government that they can actually go out and kill their own people. Put this government and the North Korean government together and you have two of the most retarded governments in the world. Both fanatical, both psycho.
Obama has made diplomatic overtures toward Iran, after three decades of severed ties since the Islamic revolution. I believe in the back of his mind he knew this would never work. The same with North Korea. Obama tried his way and he failed. A more hard line stance is all the Irianian Government seems to understand. The soft approach only caused them to look at this country as weak.
Iran has also expelled a correspondent for the BBC in Tehran. They have accused him of “supporting the rioters”. They arrested a British-Greek and an Iranian-Canadian journalist working for US publications. This country is ruled by a fanatical religious sect and they put the puppets in office that they know they can control. The presidency of Iran is just a figure head, a puppet to be dangled and made to do what they are commanded. There is no room in their government for those who do not believe as the Supreme Ayatollah commands.
Obama will now see why the conservatives in Congress have responded over the years they way they have. He will learn from them the way he needs to proceed. He should take their knowledge and use it. He is a smart man, he will take the right stance. So to Iran – I speak this for the rest of the civilized world – please stop being so “retarded” and do the right thing. Investigate your sham election and get this right. I know my words may be useless, but as I always say – this is my opinion – my explosion of thought!
After all President Obama was actually lenient in his words to them. All he said was that there were significant questions about the election results and that he was “appalled and outraged” by the violent suppression of the protests. The Iranian government's threats and the violence against their own people. Harming and killing people of their own nation who just ask for truth and justice? The awful images and video of the young woman Neda Soltani during her last breaths who was so brutally murdered by the Basij. ( and –warning this one is gruesome: )Appalled and outraged are somewhat weak.
If you ask me, Obama did not speak loud enough. He did not significantly show enough of his outrage and anger in his speech. He needs to puff up his chest, show more emotion in his voice, slam his fist on the podium. Ahmadinejad warned that Obama’s comments were similar to those of his predecessor George W. Bush—who took a hard line against the Islamic republic—and could ruin any possible dialogue between the two countries. Lie he ever gave a thought to this in the first place.
Ahmadinejad asked: “Do you think this behavior will solve the problem for you? This will not have any result except that the people will consider you somebody similar to Bush.” Does this man not look at the behavior of his own government? Obama only used words, look at what his government has done and continues to do to their own people. What amazes me more is the brainwashing they have done within their own government that they can actually go out and kill their own people. Put this government and the North Korean government together and you have two of the most retarded governments in the world. Both fanatical, both psycho.
Obama has made diplomatic overtures toward Iran, after three decades of severed ties since the Islamic revolution. I believe in the back of his mind he knew this would never work. The same with North Korea. Obama tried his way and he failed. A more hard line stance is all the Irianian Government seems to understand. The soft approach only caused them to look at this country as weak.
Iran has also expelled a correspondent for the BBC in Tehran. They have accused him of “supporting the rioters”. They arrested a British-Greek and an Iranian-Canadian journalist working for US publications. This country is ruled by a fanatical religious sect and they put the puppets in office that they know they can control. The presidency of Iran is just a figure head, a puppet to be dangled and made to do what they are commanded. There is no room in their government for those who do not believe as the Supreme Ayatollah commands.
Obama will now see why the conservatives in Congress have responded over the years they way they have. He will learn from them the way he needs to proceed. He should take their knowledge and use it. He is a smart man, he will take the right stance. So to Iran – I speak this for the rest of the civilized world – please stop being so “retarded” and do the right thing. Investigate your sham election and get this right. I know my words may be useless, but as I always say – this is my opinion – my explosion of thought!
Neda Soltani,
US/Iranian relations
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Metro Subway Crash in Washington DC
My thoughts, prayers and condolences goes out to the families of the 9 people who lost their lives and the many injured in yesterdays crash on the subway in Washington DC. This was such a tragic event on one of the most busiest transportation systems in our country.
It is my hope that they discover the cause of this incident quickly and take the necessary steps to fix what ever caused this tragic event so it never happens again. I have traveled on the subway many times putting the safty of my family and myself into the hands of the operators of this system as have many millions of others and thank God we always traveled the system safely. A big thanks and appreciation goes out to all those involved in the crash that stayed to help and to console the injured. It shows that there are still caring people in this world. They should be commended!
To those who had family members injured and killed yesterday in this tragic accident, my prayers are with you. May God bless you!
It is my hope that they discover the cause of this incident quickly and take the necessary steps to fix what ever caused this tragic event so it never happens again. I have traveled on the subway many times putting the safty of my family and myself into the hands of the operators of this system as have many millions of others and thank God we always traveled the system safely. A big thanks and appreciation goes out to all those involved in the crash that stayed to help and to console the injured. It shows that there are still caring people in this world. They should be commended!
To those who had family members injured and killed yesterday in this tragic accident, my prayers are with you. May God bless you!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
McDonalds 2
Well I received an e-mail back from the corporate office. They said they passed it on to the owner and the district manager and someone would be in touch. Never heard from anyone, so I guess they really don't care about my service. So I have effectively ended my relationship with McDonald's. I have told several others about my experience and quite a few of them are not going back either.
Last night I went to Popeye's, I spent a little more due to the higher cost there, but I had a wonderful experience. The employees were very friendly, the store was much cleaner, they were running a little behind, but all the employees came up to me and appoligized including the manager who came up twice. They got my order right and they even gave me all the sauces I wanted. For there short delay (only about 5 minutes) they gave me an extra chicken breast and an extra order of nuggets and appoligized again.
In a down economy, there are many capable workers looking for any type of work. Many of them have customer service backgrounds. I would suggest to McDonald's that they seek out these people, pay them just a little more and hire them. The worst that can happen is the economy gets better and these people leave - or - now they have qualified people and they can use them elsewhere as supervisors and managers. They should remeber that employees are one of their greatest assets but some can becoe liabilities also. The stores would all get a boost from more qualified people's experience. It appears that Popeye's seems to attract better qualified people. The staff at this McDonald's just does not seem to care. Now this is not all McDonald's locations, in fact the one by my office runs extremely efficient and the store is always clean and the employees friendly. Stores like the one down where I live give the other bad reputations. They should remember give one person good service and they tell 10 people about it, give one person bad service and they tell hundreds. Again - my opinion - my explosion of thought!
Last night I went to Popeye's, I spent a little more due to the higher cost there, but I had a wonderful experience. The employees were very friendly, the store was much cleaner, they were running a little behind, but all the employees came up to me and appoligized including the manager who came up twice. They got my order right and they even gave me all the sauces I wanted. For there short delay (only about 5 minutes) they gave me an extra chicken breast and an extra order of nuggets and appoligized again.
In a down economy, there are many capable workers looking for any type of work. Many of them have customer service backgrounds. I would suggest to McDonald's that they seek out these people, pay them just a little more and hire them. The worst that can happen is the economy gets better and these people leave - or - now they have qualified people and they can use them elsewhere as supervisors and managers. They should remeber that employees are one of their greatest assets but some can becoe liabilities also. The stores would all get a boost from more qualified people's experience. It appears that Popeye's seems to attract better qualified people. The staff at this McDonald's just does not seem to care. Now this is not all McDonald's locations, in fact the one by my office runs extremely efficient and the store is always clean and the employees friendly. Stores like the one down where I live give the other bad reputations. They should remember give one person good service and they tell 10 people about it, give one person bad service and they tell hundreds. Again - my opinion - my explosion of thought!
Friday, June 12, 2009
McDonald's Experiences
I am usually not a big complainer, but the McDonald's Restaurant by my house has to be on the list of one of the worst in the chain. I am a vertern in terms of feasting at McDonald's. I Have been going there since I was just a young child. I had been buying lunch at McDonalds about twice a week and buying dinners there for my family almost twice a week for the past year. It appears my relationship with McDonald's may be now ending due to one restaurant.
A few weeks back I visited this store and bought 6 meals, all with french fries of various sizes. There were only about 4 customers in the store. I waited patiently for my meal. After about 10 minutes one of the others waiting inside commented how slow the service was. All 4 of us had not received our orders. After 20 minutes went by, I asked the cashier where my order was, she commented that they were busy at the Drive Through and the Drive Through was more of a priority. I made a comment to her - Are you saying me, standing here in front of you is not an important customer. She backed away from the counter and went to the back of the store. After about 10 minutes, she finally reappeared at the front, I asked what the hold up was, she said no one was making the french fries. I said can you get the manager - she said " She is busy in the office and won't come out". I was more upset now and said why can't someone make the fricking fries. Just put them in the bin, drop them in the fryer and set the timer. I then asked for my money back ont he Fries - she said we do not give refunds, you need to wait for the fries. Someone finally made the fries and she went to get them. My food in the meantime was sitting on the counter for at least 15 minutes. I said i wanted a new order filled, I did not want cold food. I was told they could not do that. I took my food in disgust after a full 40 minutes of waiting. The next week when I went in I told the manager on duty about it and the response was he could not control what other managers did not manage. I ordered my food, 2 of the orders were wrong - a constant issue with this location.
Now to the other night. I worked late and stopped to pick-up dinner for my family again ( I gues I am a gliutten for punishment). I typically spend $25 or more on dinner here for the family. I waited for my food and then asked if I could have 2 hot mustard sauces and 6 sweet and sour sauces - the kids like to dip fries in the sweet and sour instead of ketchup. I get these sauces everytime I go in to order food, had the same order just 2 nights before. Iw as told I had to pay for the 6 sauces - What! - never paid for them before. I asked for the manager. One of the employees went back to get her, they had to bang on the door and beg her to come out. It sounded like she did not want to in the beginning. She came to the front after about 5 minutes, and said I have to pay for the sauces that they have been doing this for over a month - news to me since this is the first time I was ever charged. I told her I come here on a regular basis and spend $50 a week at minimum. I can go next door to BUrger King and get all the sauces I want, or the other way to Wendy's and get all the sauces I want. Even Popeyes gives sauces out. I asked her - I am not worth 64 cents as a customer. She bluntly responded "No". So for 64 cents she was willing to lose my service, not only mine but my family's and several friends that I mentioned this to. Has McDonald's fallen so low? To top it off they made one of my sanwhiches wrong not once but twice - they trashed both wrong orders -how much did that cost them? I was leaving in disgust and stopped to ask for some ketchup, two of the people rolled thier eyes and look toward the manager - I just left.
Last night I went to Burger King - I asked for six sauces and they actually gave me eight - no charge. I asked if they charged for sauces - they laughed. I told them McDonald's does - they laughed harder. They also got my order right, seems they have things more together. I wrote the McDonalds on their website, I will see if I get a response and report back here to you on what they say.
A few weeks back I visited this store and bought 6 meals, all with french fries of various sizes. There were only about 4 customers in the store. I waited patiently for my meal. After about 10 minutes one of the others waiting inside commented how slow the service was. All 4 of us had not received our orders. After 20 minutes went by, I asked the cashier where my order was, she commented that they were busy at the Drive Through and the Drive Through was more of a priority. I made a comment to her - Are you saying me, standing here in front of you is not an important customer. She backed away from the counter and went to the back of the store. After about 10 minutes, she finally reappeared at the front, I asked what the hold up was, she said no one was making the french fries. I said can you get the manager - she said " She is busy in the office and won't come out". I was more upset now and said why can't someone make the fricking fries. Just put them in the bin, drop them in the fryer and set the timer. I then asked for my money back ont he Fries - she said we do not give refunds, you need to wait for the fries. Someone finally made the fries and she went to get them. My food in the meantime was sitting on the counter for at least 15 minutes. I said i wanted a new order filled, I did not want cold food. I was told they could not do that. I took my food in disgust after a full 40 minutes of waiting. The next week when I went in I told the manager on duty about it and the response was he could not control what other managers did not manage. I ordered my food, 2 of the orders were wrong - a constant issue with this location.
Now to the other night. I worked late and stopped to pick-up dinner for my family again ( I gues I am a gliutten for punishment). I typically spend $25 or more on dinner here for the family. I waited for my food and then asked if I could have 2 hot mustard sauces and 6 sweet and sour sauces - the kids like to dip fries in the sweet and sour instead of ketchup. I get these sauces everytime I go in to order food, had the same order just 2 nights before. Iw as told I had to pay for the 6 sauces - What! - never paid for them before. I asked for the manager. One of the employees went back to get her, they had to bang on the door and beg her to come out. It sounded like she did not want to in the beginning. She came to the front after about 5 minutes, and said I have to pay for the sauces that they have been doing this for over a month - news to me since this is the first time I was ever charged. I told her I come here on a regular basis and spend $50 a week at minimum. I can go next door to BUrger King and get all the sauces I want, or the other way to Wendy's and get all the sauces I want. Even Popeyes gives sauces out. I asked her - I am not worth 64 cents as a customer. She bluntly responded "No". So for 64 cents she was willing to lose my service, not only mine but my family's and several friends that I mentioned this to. Has McDonald's fallen so low? To top it off they made one of my sanwhiches wrong not once but twice - they trashed both wrong orders -how much did that cost them? I was leaving in disgust and stopped to ask for some ketchup, two of the people rolled thier eyes and look toward the manager - I just left.
Last night I went to Burger King - I asked for six sauces and they actually gave me eight - no charge. I asked if they charged for sauces - they laughed. I told them McDonald's does - they laughed harder. They also got my order right, seems they have things more together. I wrote the McDonalds on their website, I will see if I get a response and report back here to you on what they say.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Supreme Qualification
Is Judge Sotomayor a qualified candidate for the Supreme Court, our highest and most esteemed court in the country? You have arguments on both sides for and against her. Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) has said, "There is a risk in anybody voting for anybody just because they’re a woman or because they are African-American or anything about that individual, You should vote for people based on their qualifications, and in case of the justice, their attitudes about the law, and their impartiality.” Remember Grassley voted against Sotomayor’s 1998 nomination to a federal appeals court but voted for Ruth Bader Ginsburg for the Supreme Court in 1993. He commented: "She is just going to look at the law, look at the narrow interpretation of the law, and leave personal bias out of it – that’s what I’ll be looking for. If she convinces me that she can't leave personal biases out of it … then I’m more apt to vote no."
Grassley is correct that personal bias has no room on the Supreme Court. We look up to this court to keep the laws of this land in check and to review them impartially. They have a heavy burden bestowed upon them and it is not a job I would care for. How well do these people sleep at night? Former Florida state House Speaker Marco Rubio, a Spanish speaker of Cuban descent, already has raised concerns about Sotomayor, calling some of her past comments “troubling,” and he could emerge as a high-profile Hispanic Republican critic of her nomination. Rubio from Miami, who's running in the Republican primary against Charlie Crist for U.S. Senate, made the following comment Tuesday: "The role of the Supreme Court is to interpret the Constitution, not to make law. Given this, I am deeply concerned about Judge Sotomayor's past comment that the courts are 'where policy is made' and look forward to hearing her explanation and defense of that view." Of course he only quoted part of her speech. She did say she was saying this jokingly.
Sotomayor, although an able lawyer, was “not that smart and kind of a bully on the bench,” as one former Second Circuit clerk for another judge put it. “She has an inflated opinion of herself, and is domineering during oral arguments, but her questions aren’t penetrating and don’t get to the heart of the issue.” Is this just idle talk or can this really be true of her. She is known to run on lengthily in her conversations and sometimes does not have open ears. As far as her political views, the liberals are banking she is far to the left, but she was appointed by a Conservative Republican President (Bush #1) to the Appeals Court.
Do the Democrats believe they have the market cornered on appointing an Hispanic to a high position in a Judicial Court? Do you remember Miguel Estrada? Estrada is a Latino. That the Republicans would raise him to one of the highest courts in the country proves that Latinos are welcome in the Republican Party too. They do not have to be beholden to Democrats. Sonia Sotomayor, used to serve on the board of LatinoJustice PRLDEF, which was one of the racial grievance groups that helped to put a stop to the judicial nomination of Honduran-born Miguel Estrada in 2003. Democrats in the Senate filibustered the nomination and a worn out Estrada withdrew from consideration in 2003.
Now LatinoJustice PRLDEF, hailed the nomination of Sotomayor on the basis of her ethno-cultural heritage. "As the second largest and fastest growing population in America, with a large pool of qualified individuals to choose from, it was wholly appropriate for the President to nominate a Hispanic." How contradictory.
Also, she actually would not be the first Hispanic to serve on the Supreme Court. Portuguese Jew - Benjamin Nathan Cardozo was a very well-known American lawyer and Supreme Court Justice. He is remembered for his significant influence on the development of American common law during the 20th century. Cardozo served on the Supreme Court from 1932 until his death.
Why do we need another Catholic on the court? Sotomayor went to Catholic schools and would be the sixth Catholic justice on the current Supreme Court. That is if she is, in fact, Catholic, which isn't clear from her biography. Why are so many Catholics appointed to the Supreme Court. We need a Baptist or Protestant to really ensure and more partial judgment.
The most controversial case in which Sotomayor participated is Ricci v. DeStefano, which is an important “reverse discrimination” case brought by a group of firefighters in New Haven, CT. This case is now being reviewed by the Supreme Court. Ricci v. DeStefano, presents recurring issues regarding proper application of Title VII and the Equal Protection Clause to the civil service. New Haven firefighters and lieutenants claim that they should have been promoted based on job-related examinations and merit selection rules mandated by local law. The City of New Haven has thus far refused because city officials believed that the examination and rules may have had a disparate impact on minorities, although testimony did not show this. A panel of judges including Sotomayor ruled against the firefighters in a perfunctory unpublished opinion. I don’t understand reverse discrimination. Discrimination is discrimination no matter who the party is that is being discriminated against. Reverse discrimination technically would be the elimination of discrimination. The Reverse of discriminating would be to not discriminate.
So back to the issue, is she a qualified candidate? She will be appointed, there is no question there. Only time will tell on what type of Justice she will become. It is not her voice alone that will make the decisions that confront this court, it is the opinion and interpretation of our constitution by the combined group of these nine esteemed judges that will determine our fate. Her voice will be but one that will be heard. Her opinion is but one explosion of thought!
Grassley is correct that personal bias has no room on the Supreme Court. We look up to this court to keep the laws of this land in check and to review them impartially. They have a heavy burden bestowed upon them and it is not a job I would care for. How well do these people sleep at night? Former Florida state House Speaker Marco Rubio, a Spanish speaker of Cuban descent, already has raised concerns about Sotomayor, calling some of her past comments “troubling,” and he could emerge as a high-profile Hispanic Republican critic of her nomination. Rubio from Miami, who's running in the Republican primary against Charlie Crist for U.S. Senate, made the following comment Tuesday: "The role of the Supreme Court is to interpret the Constitution, not to make law. Given this, I am deeply concerned about Judge Sotomayor's past comment that the courts are 'where policy is made' and look forward to hearing her explanation and defense of that view." Of course he only quoted part of her speech. She did say she was saying this jokingly.
Sotomayor, although an able lawyer, was “not that smart and kind of a bully on the bench,” as one former Second Circuit clerk for another judge put it. “She has an inflated opinion of herself, and is domineering during oral arguments, but her questions aren’t penetrating and don’t get to the heart of the issue.” Is this just idle talk or can this really be true of her. She is known to run on lengthily in her conversations and sometimes does not have open ears. As far as her political views, the liberals are banking she is far to the left, but she was appointed by a Conservative Republican President (Bush #1) to the Appeals Court.
Do the Democrats believe they have the market cornered on appointing an Hispanic to a high position in a Judicial Court? Do you remember Miguel Estrada? Estrada is a Latino. That the Republicans would raise him to one of the highest courts in the country proves that Latinos are welcome in the Republican Party too. They do not have to be beholden to Democrats. Sonia Sotomayor, used to serve on the board of LatinoJustice PRLDEF, which was one of the racial grievance groups that helped to put a stop to the judicial nomination of Honduran-born Miguel Estrada in 2003. Democrats in the Senate filibustered the nomination and a worn out Estrada withdrew from consideration in 2003.
Now LatinoJustice PRLDEF, hailed the nomination of Sotomayor on the basis of her ethno-cultural heritage. "As the second largest and fastest growing population in America, with a large pool of qualified individuals to choose from, it was wholly appropriate for the President to nominate a Hispanic." How contradictory.
Also, she actually would not be the first Hispanic to serve on the Supreme Court. Portuguese Jew - Benjamin Nathan Cardozo was a very well-known American lawyer and Supreme Court Justice. He is remembered for his significant influence on the development of American common law during the 20th century. Cardozo served on the Supreme Court from 1932 until his death.
Why do we need another Catholic on the court? Sotomayor went to Catholic schools and would be the sixth Catholic justice on the current Supreme Court. That is if she is, in fact, Catholic, which isn't clear from her biography. Why are so many Catholics appointed to the Supreme Court. We need a Baptist or Protestant to really ensure and more partial judgment.
The most controversial case in which Sotomayor participated is Ricci v. DeStefano, which is an important “reverse discrimination” case brought by a group of firefighters in New Haven, CT. This case is now being reviewed by the Supreme Court. Ricci v. DeStefano, presents recurring issues regarding proper application of Title VII and the Equal Protection Clause to the civil service. New Haven firefighters and lieutenants claim that they should have been promoted based on job-related examinations and merit selection rules mandated by local law. The City of New Haven has thus far refused because city officials believed that the examination and rules may have had a disparate impact on minorities, although testimony did not show this. A panel of judges including Sotomayor ruled against the firefighters in a perfunctory unpublished opinion. I don’t understand reverse discrimination. Discrimination is discrimination no matter who the party is that is being discriminated against. Reverse discrimination technically would be the elimination of discrimination. The Reverse of discriminating would be to not discriminate.
So back to the issue, is she a qualified candidate? She will be appointed, there is no question there. Only time will tell on what type of Justice she will become. It is not her voice alone that will make the decisions that confront this court, it is the opinion and interpretation of our constitution by the combined group of these nine esteemed judges that will determine our fate. Her voice will be but one that will be heard. Her opinion is but one explosion of thought!
Supreme Court
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Conservatism and American Idol
Taking a look at American Idol, you may be able to deduce that young Americans are more conservative then we realized. Kris Allen a conservative young man from the south won American Idol, no doubt made possible by votes from the fans of Danny Gokey also a conservative young man.
Adam Lambert a nice young man from San Diego,CA, but so much more liberal lost even though his talent level was much greater than Kris’s. He was out spoken and not afraid to step out on a limb with his flamboyant style. Not afraid to admit his sexuality preference. Some say the homophobic American population was to blame for him not winning.
Now wait a minute, many experts have been saying America has become more liberal, more Democrat. Most of the liberals and Democrats are pushing for gay rights and same sex marriages. So is this liberal American Public hypocritical? Give the gays rights but don’t let a gay person win American Idol. Is this the case.
Or it may be that young Americans are much more conservative in their beliefs than what was thought. Maybe the Republicans need a way to tap into this youth and bring them to the party. It is only with the youth of America that the Republicans can become strong and regain their ground. They need to get out there and relate with this youth. The conservative youth of America that chose a conservative young man from the south to win American Idol. Again just my opinion – My Explosion of Thought!
Adam Lambert a nice young man from San Diego,CA, but so much more liberal lost even though his talent level was much greater than Kris’s. He was out spoken and not afraid to step out on a limb with his flamboyant style. Not afraid to admit his sexuality preference. Some say the homophobic American population was to blame for him not winning.
Now wait a minute, many experts have been saying America has become more liberal, more Democrat. Most of the liberals and Democrats are pushing for gay rights and same sex marriages. So is this liberal American Public hypocritical? Give the gays rights but don’t let a gay person win American Idol. Is this the case.
Or it may be that young Americans are much more conservative in their beliefs than what was thought. Maybe the Republicans need a way to tap into this youth and bring them to the party. It is only with the youth of America that the Republicans can become strong and regain their ground. They need to get out there and relate with this youth. The conservative youth of America that chose a conservative young man from the south to win American Idol. Again just my opinion – My Explosion of Thought!
Adam Lambert,
American Idol,
Kris Allen
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Notre Dame Debacle
We can not blame President Obama for accepting the the invitation to give a commencement speech at Notre Dame this week. The people responsible for creating this mess at the institution are the president of Notre Dame, Father John Jenkins, and the university's trustees who went along with it; not President Obama, or the dozens of outraged bishops across the country.
A few years back the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops issued a statement which states, in part: "The Catholic community and Catholic institutions should not honor those who act in defiance of our fundamental moral principles. They should not be given awards, honors or platforms which would suggest support for their actions." This was a rare mandate but given the score of awards and other honorary certificates bestowed on those with beliefs other than what the church stands for it was rightful.
Many can understand that President Obama's admirers want to try and shield him from the embarrassment of controversy. Then they try to impose politics on the Catholic Church, and demand that reverence to President Obama take precedent over preserving the Catholic identity of Notre Dame, they only succeed in revealing their own biases. There is nothing political about it. It is all about preserving Christianity.
Obama speaks about bringing people together, and the plurality of religious practices that make a great nation, it's some of those who oppose him who use religion to divide. Maybe you need to understand what many people forget – religion is something created by man as an excuse to find a way to heaven – Christianity is what God has given to us in the words of the Bible to guide us to heaven. Christianity is not manmade, it is God given and is offered to each and every one of us. We can be saved if we believe in God and that Jesus Christ was born and died on Calvery’s cross to save us all from eternal damnation. Those who preach religion, using man’s tool do not understand this and I pity them.
Obama said "Is it possible for us to join hands in common effort?" As citizens of a vibrant and varied democracy, how do we engage in vigorous debate? How does each of us remain firm in our principles, and fight for what we consider right, without demonizing those with just as strongly held convictions on the other side?" Maybe we never do, this has been argued for ages, but it is a fact that only one side can be correct. If we are true Christians we can ourselves read the Bible and see for ourselves what Jesus has offered to us.
Do not condemn President Obama for accepting this opportunity. Scold those who offered it to him. Do not condemn President Obama for his beliefs – for those who have not sinned may throw the first stone. Do not condemn President Obama – do not judge unless ye to be judged. For with Judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged (Matt 7:1).
I express these things here not as a Catholic – for some in the Catholic Church have done me wrong – but as a Christian. My faith in the Catholic Church was destroyed many years ago, but my Christianity has remained. What does this great nation suffer from – it suffers from the lack of Christianity – this nation was founded on Christianity. We try and deny it, but look around, look at the writings of our forefathers at the inscriptions on out government buildings and on our money – It is in God we Trust. Respect we give is for the Presidential position, not the man. We can pray that God does truly guide the person in the position as we all should. Trust in your Christianity, not in Religion, that God will guide us through these turmoils and guide the man in the position. It is our lack of Christianity that has moved this country in the wrong direction. Put your faith where it belongs – not with man – but with Jesus Christ. This is my Explosion of Thought!
A few years back the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops issued a statement which states, in part: "The Catholic community and Catholic institutions should not honor those who act in defiance of our fundamental moral principles. They should not be given awards, honors or platforms which would suggest support for their actions." This was a rare mandate but given the score of awards and other honorary certificates bestowed on those with beliefs other than what the church stands for it was rightful.
Many can understand that President Obama's admirers want to try and shield him from the embarrassment of controversy. Then they try to impose politics on the Catholic Church, and demand that reverence to President Obama take precedent over preserving the Catholic identity of Notre Dame, they only succeed in revealing their own biases. There is nothing political about it. It is all about preserving Christianity.
Obama speaks about bringing people together, and the plurality of religious practices that make a great nation, it's some of those who oppose him who use religion to divide. Maybe you need to understand what many people forget – religion is something created by man as an excuse to find a way to heaven – Christianity is what God has given to us in the words of the Bible to guide us to heaven. Christianity is not manmade, it is God given and is offered to each and every one of us. We can be saved if we believe in God and that Jesus Christ was born and died on Calvery’s cross to save us all from eternal damnation. Those who preach religion, using man’s tool do not understand this and I pity them.
Obama said "Is it possible for us to join hands in common effort?" As citizens of a vibrant and varied democracy, how do we engage in vigorous debate? How does each of us remain firm in our principles, and fight for what we consider right, without demonizing those with just as strongly held convictions on the other side?" Maybe we never do, this has been argued for ages, but it is a fact that only one side can be correct. If we are true Christians we can ourselves read the Bible and see for ourselves what Jesus has offered to us.
Do not condemn President Obama for accepting this opportunity. Scold those who offered it to him. Do not condemn President Obama for his beliefs – for those who have not sinned may throw the first stone. Do not condemn President Obama – do not judge unless ye to be judged. For with Judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged (Matt 7:1).
I express these things here not as a Catholic – for some in the Catholic Church have done me wrong – but as a Christian. My faith in the Catholic Church was destroyed many years ago, but my Christianity has remained. What does this great nation suffer from – it suffers from the lack of Christianity – this nation was founded on Christianity. We try and deny it, but look around, look at the writings of our forefathers at the inscriptions on out government buildings and on our money – It is in God we Trust. Respect we give is for the Presidential position, not the man. We can pray that God does truly guide the person in the position as we all should. Trust in your Christianity, not in Religion, that God will guide us through these turmoils and guide the man in the position. It is our lack of Christianity that has moved this country in the wrong direction. Put your faith where it belongs – not with man – but with Jesus Christ. This is my Explosion of Thought!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Report on Our Economy
So the gloomy report of declining sales seems to stump our nation’s economists. Retail sales fell 0.4 percent in April from the previous month, much worse than economists had predicted, they were hoping for at least flat sales. Then when comparing sales with the previous year, April sales dived 10.1 percent. The Commerce Department also revised its earlier estimate for March sales from a drop of 1.1 percent to 1.3 percent. And it seems the American housing market also continues to struggle as well.
Why are they so befuddled? Gasoline prices have shot up over the past few weeks. In my area they have now gone from $1.85/gal. to $2.23/gal. a 17% increase in a little over 2 weeks. At the current cost, this adds about $400 to my yearly commuting cost. Grocery prices have continued to climb; people are still losing their jobs. They are surprised the tax cut in the stimulus package that was just instituted did not do more to help stimulate people to spend more – a paltry $13 roughly per week just about covers the rising cost of gas and groceries.
As I mentioned before, this is a long range project to set things right. The market is still correcting itself and all the bailout money dished out was not well thought out. Now you have GM ready to file for bankruptcy and part of their exit strategy is to job out more work to China and Mexico, which means that the American Auto workers who lost their jobs and others, who will be losing them, will be permanently out of work. These workers will have to be retrained to be able to do other work, it may take a few years to retrain many of them who have done nothing else but work in the Auto Industry. So GM takes our tax money and now wants to eliminate thousands of US jobs. Of course we are partly to blame, going to these other countries the labor cost are much less at under $10/hour compared to some in the industry at $50/hour. Why can’t they work out a deal with the auto workers in this country and look for more streamline ways to manufacture the cars. They ripped off the American people and our government is letting them get away with it. After all it is you and I that will be repaying their debt.
So when will the economy rebound and start moving in the right direction? I am still monitoring the cost of my razor blades, they have not gone down any and they don’t even put them on sale. So I guess we are still in this for the long haul. I am projecting in the 3rd quarter of next year we will see some noticeable movement, based on the history of recessions and of course my opinion – my explosion of thought!
Why are they so befuddled? Gasoline prices have shot up over the past few weeks. In my area they have now gone from $1.85/gal. to $2.23/gal. a 17% increase in a little over 2 weeks. At the current cost, this adds about $400 to my yearly commuting cost. Grocery prices have continued to climb; people are still losing their jobs. They are surprised the tax cut in the stimulus package that was just instituted did not do more to help stimulate people to spend more – a paltry $13 roughly per week just about covers the rising cost of gas and groceries.
As I mentioned before, this is a long range project to set things right. The market is still correcting itself and all the bailout money dished out was not well thought out. Now you have GM ready to file for bankruptcy and part of their exit strategy is to job out more work to China and Mexico, which means that the American Auto workers who lost their jobs and others, who will be losing them, will be permanently out of work. These workers will have to be retrained to be able to do other work, it may take a few years to retrain many of them who have done nothing else but work in the Auto Industry. So GM takes our tax money and now wants to eliminate thousands of US jobs. Of course we are partly to blame, going to these other countries the labor cost are much less at under $10/hour compared to some in the industry at $50/hour. Why can’t they work out a deal with the auto workers in this country and look for more streamline ways to manufacture the cars. They ripped off the American people and our government is letting them get away with it. After all it is you and I that will be repaying their debt.
So when will the economy rebound and start moving in the right direction? I am still monitoring the cost of my razor blades, they have not gone down any and they don’t even put them on sale. So I guess we are still in this for the long haul. I am projecting in the 3rd quarter of next year we will see some noticeable movement, based on the history of recessions and of course my opinion – my explosion of thought!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Happy Mother's Day!
I want to wish all the Mothers in the USA and around the world a Very Happy and Wonderful Mother's Day! Hope all of you can enjoy this day with your lovely children.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Cutting or Just Shifting
President Obama asked Congress to cut $17 billion from the budget on Thursday. He wants to eliminate 121 federal programs. Many of these cuts have already were already rejected by Obama's allies in Congress, including many programs that Bush, repeatedly tried to end. These cuts amount to about ½ percent of his total budget.
Republicans as well as some others have denounced these proposed reductions as too small. In an attempt to answer criticism that his cuts were but a drop in a bucket, Obama said: "Some of the cuts we're putting forward today are more painful than others. Some are larger than others. In fact a few of the programs we eliminate will produce less than a million dollars in savings. Outside of Washington, that's still a lot of money."
Instead of devoting the savings to help reduce the federal deficits, he is funneling them back into other programs.They are far exceeded by a 2 1/2-inch thick volume detailing Obama's generous increases for many other domestic programs. Despite the administrations efforts to portray itself as tough on waste and spending, the adminstration and the Congress is taking the nation on a course of higher budgets. Even as Obama spoke today, a House panel was adding $9 billion to his war request. Is this cutting - Sounds like it is just shift the money around to me.
There is not real savings being realized here. He is just funneling the saved money into other pet projects and programs of his allies. Many of the cuts he is proposing will be hard to get through congress, they involve programs in large states with lots of backing within Congress. The Gas and oil industry will fight to protect their $26 billion in tax breaks, they have too many people in their pockets (or is supporters more politically correct) on Capital Hill. If they do manage to get this through, who do you think will suffer for it – Us the American Public – in the form of higher gas and oil prices. By the way, did you notice that gas prices have been climbing again. In my area they went up .25 cents a gallon over the past 10 days.
None of these pet programs in congress will be cut unless we the American Public retrain ourselves when voting. We have to stop voting along party lines and start voting for the most honest and best candidate available. Vote for someone who shares all your views and who does not take tons of money from all the special interest groups and corporations. Again just my opinion – My Explosion of Thought!.
Republicans as well as some others have denounced these proposed reductions as too small. In an attempt to answer criticism that his cuts were but a drop in a bucket, Obama said: "Some of the cuts we're putting forward today are more painful than others. Some are larger than others. In fact a few of the programs we eliminate will produce less than a million dollars in savings. Outside of Washington, that's still a lot of money."
Instead of devoting the savings to help reduce the federal deficits, he is funneling them back into other programs.They are far exceeded by a 2 1/2-inch thick volume detailing Obama's generous increases for many other domestic programs. Despite the administrations efforts to portray itself as tough on waste and spending, the adminstration and the Congress is taking the nation on a course of higher budgets. Even as Obama spoke today, a House panel was adding $9 billion to his war request. Is this cutting - Sounds like it is just shift the money around to me.
There is not real savings being realized here. He is just funneling the saved money into other pet projects and programs of his allies. Many of the cuts he is proposing will be hard to get through congress, they involve programs in large states with lots of backing within Congress. The Gas and oil industry will fight to protect their $26 billion in tax breaks, they have too many people in their pockets (or is supporters more politically correct) on Capital Hill. If they do manage to get this through, who do you think will suffer for it – Us the American Public – in the form of higher gas and oil prices. By the way, did you notice that gas prices have been climbing again. In my area they went up .25 cents a gallon over the past 10 days.
None of these pet programs in congress will be cut unless we the American Public retrain ourselves when voting. We have to stop voting along party lines and start voting for the most honest and best candidate available. Vote for someone who shares all your views and who does not take tons of money from all the special interest groups and corporations. Again just my opinion – My Explosion of Thought!.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Bank Bailout - Jesse Jackson
I don't always see eye to eye with everything Jesse Jackson does or says, sometimes I think he goes off in a direction way out in left field somewhere. But I have to hail his speech he gave Sunday night at the Detroit NAACP's 54th Fight for Freedom Fund Dinner. He is an insightful person and I praise the fact he is not afraid to speak his mind. His criticisism of the federal bailouts to banks, who in turn gave million-dollar bonuses to executives while urban neighborhoods across the US continue to suffer and jobs are being lost, echos my own. We need more Americans and others whose voice can be heard to speak out also.
Friday, May 1, 2009
A Disguised Bailout
The Chrysler second wave bailout - or are they calling it a bankruptcy now - is under way. Chrysler will shed its debt by basically telling the lenders that are not caving to their demands that they are not going to pay them anything. Then once they restructure, the government is giving them another $10 billion dollars more. Why do we keep throwing the taxpayers money at all these companies, we, the taxpayers are going to be paying this back for decades. First the tax cuts in place will be expiring and afterwards you should expect to see about a 8% to 10% increase in the taxes you pay. It may not all come from income taxes, they will spread it out, some from income, some from tax on gasoline, tax on cigarettes and other commodities. In some way or another, the money has to be recouped.
Just think what the govenment could do with that $10 billion, they could give each American Income Taxpayer about $72,000 to go out and spend. Now that would boost the economy much more than giving it to Chrysler. Hell, we could all afford to go by a car from Chrysler and still have money to spend in other places.
We are moving more and more to a Socio-Communist type of environment. The government is getting much too involved in private business and taking control. At some point, I strongly believe, during the ongoing government takeover of Americans’ businesses and wealth, we could wake up in a new country - The Socialist States of America. Democrats and Republicans alike need to take heed.
After all, Joseph Stalin, advocated the following strategy to William Z. Foster, leader of the Communist Party U.S.A.: “Work for more government intervention and control of the business activities of the people. In this way the American people will accept Communism without knowing it.” It was his way of conquering America without a fight - it seems to be working.
We need to allow capitalism to work the way it should without government ownership or bailouts. Who is bailing out the humble middle class and lower income families. The paltry $400 an individual my get spread over weeks of paychecks is an insult and a slap in the face. On top of that they have the tax table screwed up, so you will actually be getting more than that, BUT - you will have to pay the extra back at the end of the year. IF our government can not even get that right - how can we expect them to grasp hold of all these businesses and run them effectively. Again my opinion - my explosion of thought!
Just think what the govenment could do with that $10 billion, they could give each American Income Taxpayer about $72,000 to go out and spend. Now that would boost the economy much more than giving it to Chrysler. Hell, we could all afford to go by a car from Chrysler and still have money to spend in other places.
We are moving more and more to a Socio-Communist type of environment. The government is getting much too involved in private business and taking control. At some point, I strongly believe, during the ongoing government takeover of Americans’ businesses and wealth, we could wake up in a new country - The Socialist States of America. Democrats and Republicans alike need to take heed.
After all, Joseph Stalin, advocated the following strategy to William Z. Foster, leader of the Communist Party U.S.A.: “Work for more government intervention and control of the business activities of the people. In this way the American people will accept Communism without knowing it.” It was his way of conquering America without a fight - it seems to be working.
We need to allow capitalism to work the way it should without government ownership or bailouts. Who is bailing out the humble middle class and lower income families. The paltry $400 an individual my get spread over weeks of paychecks is an insult and a slap in the face. On top of that they have the tax table screwed up, so you will actually be getting more than that, BUT - you will have to pay the extra back at the end of the year. IF our government can not even get that right - how can we expect them to grasp hold of all these businesses and run them effectively. Again my opinion - my explosion of thought!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Lost Voice of the Republican Party
The Republican Party is in desperate need of a Conservative Voice. They need true leaders to get them back on track and they need to attract younger and more inspired conservatives. Over the past several years they have lost their way and have allowed the party to become fractured. They are lead more by moderates, who while needed within the party, can not be expected to push the conservative views through.
Through the second term of George Bush, the party was allowed to become less conservative and move more to the middle. Face it, George Bush was more of and moderate Republican and he tried to force amnesty and open borders on the country, growing deficits, increasing government, a GOP sponsored takeover of banks. He was a President who refused to defend himself or conservatism publicly. It’s naive to believe that the Republican Party can simply ignore what the base wants on illegal immigration, fiscal conservatism, or the size of government. The party needs to return to it’s conservative roots. Hopefully Michael Steele can help them move in this direction.
The party does not need to fret about Spector leaving the party. He symbolizes more of what is wrong with the party than what is right. He ran on Ronald Reagan’s coattails to get into office, but as time went on he showed more and more of his moderate and more liberal views. If the Republican Party wants to win in the next elections, they need to return to the conservative roots the party was founded on and relate to the conservative base of voters who are searching for a leader.
Ronald Reagan once said in a speech:
....A political party cannot be all things to all people. It must represent certain fundamental beliefs which must not be compromised to political expediency, or simply to swell its numbers.
I do not believe I have proposed anything that is contrary to what has been considered Republican principle. It is at the same time the very basis of conservatism. It is time to reassert that principle and raise it to full view. And if there are those who cannot subscribe to these principles, then let them go their way."
My opinion - my xplosion of thought...
Through the second term of George Bush, the party was allowed to become less conservative and move more to the middle. Face it, George Bush was more of and moderate Republican and he tried to force amnesty and open borders on the country, growing deficits, increasing government, a GOP sponsored takeover of banks. He was a President who refused to defend himself or conservatism publicly. It’s naive to believe that the Republican Party can simply ignore what the base wants on illegal immigration, fiscal conservatism, or the size of government. The party needs to return to it’s conservative roots. Hopefully Michael Steele can help them move in this direction.
The party does not need to fret about Spector leaving the party. He symbolizes more of what is wrong with the party than what is right. He ran on Ronald Reagan’s coattails to get into office, but as time went on he showed more and more of his moderate and more liberal views. If the Republican Party wants to win in the next elections, they need to return to the conservative roots the party was founded on and relate to the conservative base of voters who are searching for a leader.
Ronald Reagan once said in a speech:
....A political party cannot be all things to all people. It must represent certain fundamental beliefs which must not be compromised to political expediency, or simply to swell its numbers.
I do not believe I have proposed anything that is contrary to what has been considered Republican principle. It is at the same time the very basis of conservatism. It is time to reassert that principle and raise it to full view. And if there are those who cannot subscribe to these principles, then let them go their way."
My opinion - my xplosion of thought...
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Swine Flu - Facts
The CDC has determined that this swine flu virus is contagious and is spreading from human to human. The symptoms of swine flu are similar to the symptoms of regular human flu and include fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue. It can also include diarrhea and vomiting. In the past, severe illness (pneumonia and respiratory failure) and deaths have been reported with swine flu infection in people. Like seasonal flu, swine flu may cause a worsening of underlying chronic medical conditions.
The Swine Flu viruse is spread mainly from person to person through coughing or sneezing of people with the virus. Sometimes people may become infected by touching something with flu viruses on it and then touching their mouth or nose. Infected people may be able to infect others beginning 1 day before symptoms develop and up to 7 or more days after becoming sick. That means that you may be able to pass on the flu to someone else before you know you are sick, as well as while you are sick.
To help curb the spread and help keep you from getting the virus it is most important to wash your hands. Plain soap and water is all you need, you should hum Yankee Doodle Dandee for the length of time to take to wash. Get plenty of sleep, be physically active, manage your stress, drink plenty of fluids, and eat nutritious food. Try not touch surfaces that may be contaminated with the flu virus. Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
If you do get sick, see your doctor. They may be able to prescribe an Antiviral drug. These are prescription medicines (pills, liquid or an inhaler) that fight against the flu by keeping flu viruses from reproducing in your body. Antiviral drugs can make your illness milder and make you feel better faster. They may also prevent serious flu complications. For treatment, antiviral drugs work best if started soon after getting sick (within 2 days of symptoms).
People with swine flu virus infection should be considered potentially contagious as long as they are symptomatic and possible for up to 7 days following illness onset. Children, especially younger children, might potentially be contagious for longer periods.
There are no vaccines available right now to protect against swine flu. There are everyday actions that can help prevent the spread of germs that cause respiratory illnesses like influenza. Take these everyday steps to protect your health:
Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Throw the tissue in the trash after you use it.
Wash your hands often with soap and water, especially after you cough or sneeze.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth. Germs spread this way.
Try to avoid close contact with sick people.
In children emergency warning signs that need urgent medical attention include:
Fast breathing or trouble breathing
Bluish skin color
Not drinking enough fluids
Not waking up or not interacting
Flu-like symptoms improve but then return with fever and worse cough
Fever with a rash
Myth - Swine influenza viruses are not spread by food. You cannot get the swine flu virus from eating pork or pork products. Eating properly handled and cooked pork products is safe. This is a serious virus. One of the best ways to help curb the spread is to do the simplest thing - wash your hands. Not an opinion - this is useful information!
The Swine Flu viruse is spread mainly from person to person through coughing or sneezing of people with the virus. Sometimes people may become infected by touching something with flu viruses on it and then touching their mouth or nose. Infected people may be able to infect others beginning 1 day before symptoms develop and up to 7 or more days after becoming sick. That means that you may be able to pass on the flu to someone else before you know you are sick, as well as while you are sick.
To help curb the spread and help keep you from getting the virus it is most important to wash your hands. Plain soap and water is all you need, you should hum Yankee Doodle Dandee for the length of time to take to wash. Get plenty of sleep, be physically active, manage your stress, drink plenty of fluids, and eat nutritious food. Try not touch surfaces that may be contaminated with the flu virus. Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
If you do get sick, see your doctor. They may be able to prescribe an Antiviral drug. These are prescription medicines (pills, liquid or an inhaler) that fight against the flu by keeping flu viruses from reproducing in your body. Antiviral drugs can make your illness milder and make you feel better faster. They may also prevent serious flu complications. For treatment, antiviral drugs work best if started soon after getting sick (within 2 days of symptoms).
People with swine flu virus infection should be considered potentially contagious as long as they are symptomatic and possible for up to 7 days following illness onset. Children, especially younger children, might potentially be contagious for longer periods.
There are no vaccines available right now to protect against swine flu. There are everyday actions that can help prevent the spread of germs that cause respiratory illnesses like influenza. Take these everyday steps to protect your health:
Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Throw the tissue in the trash after you use it.
Wash your hands often with soap and water, especially after you cough or sneeze.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth. Germs spread this way.
Try to avoid close contact with sick people.
In children emergency warning signs that need urgent medical attention include:
Fast breathing or trouble breathing
Bluish skin color
Not drinking enough fluids
Not waking up or not interacting
Flu-like symptoms improve but then return with fever and worse cough
Fever with a rash
Myth - Swine influenza viruses are not spread by food. You cannot get the swine flu virus from eating pork or pork products. Eating properly handled and cooked pork products is safe. This is a serious virus. One of the best ways to help curb the spread is to do the simplest thing - wash your hands. Not an opinion - this is useful information!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Specter is no big loss to the Republican Party, but changing parties at this time should not really be allowed. If you are elected a Republican you should stay so until your term expires. Here is a man who knew he was going to lose in the next election, more than half the Republicans polled in Pennsylvania said they wanted someone new in the senate seat. He is of the old guard with old ideas, the people want a fresh face.
Reid called Specter a "man of honor and integrity" who would be welcome in the Democratic caucus – switching parties in mid stream is not what most would call honor and integrity. I would relate this to the running back on a football team knowing he is going to lose switching teams at halftime. In more direct terms a traitor to his team. But he was not much of the team player recently as realized by his vote on the stimulus package.
Specter was expected to face a very tough primary challenge in 2010 from former Rep. Pat Toomey, who came close to defeating Specter in the Pennsylvania GOP primary in 2004. Why would the democrats want someone who switches teams when the cards are down on their team. I would say this of anyone who switches parties while they are in office. There should be a rule if you switch parties while still serving your term you must surrender your seat. The people who put him in office were not the Democrats; therefore he should do the honorable thing and step down. If he is confident he can win the seat as a Democrat he can run in the next election and see what happens. Again just my opinion – my explosion of thought!
Reid called Specter a "man of honor and integrity" who would be welcome in the Democratic caucus – switching parties in mid stream is not what most would call honor and integrity. I would relate this to the running back on a football team knowing he is going to lose switching teams at halftime. In more direct terms a traitor to his team. But he was not much of the team player recently as realized by his vote on the stimulus package.
Specter was expected to face a very tough primary challenge in 2010 from former Rep. Pat Toomey, who came close to defeating Specter in the Pennsylvania GOP primary in 2004. Why would the democrats want someone who switches teams when the cards are down on their team. I would say this of anyone who switches parties while they are in office. There should be a rule if you switch parties while still serving your term you must surrender your seat. The people who put him in office were not the Democrats; therefore he should do the honorable thing and step down. If he is confident he can win the seat as a Democrat he can run in the next election and see what happens. Again just my opinion – my explosion of thought!
Friday, April 24, 2009
Report on our President
A week or so ago in his speech in France, Barack Obama called America "arrogant." The French loved it -- And so did much of the liberal press.
But why would the president call us, the American people arrogant? Is that how he is portraying us to the world. Is it a good thing to go out to the rest of the world and put the people of you own country down?
This is the same person who was anointed "The One" by many of his supporters. I only know of one being I consider "The One" and that is the Lord God Himself. As a candidate he also boasted that his election would be remembered as "the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal." Does he consider himself a god. This is the man who indicated his disgust for small town and working Americans when he said they "cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them.” I hope he has changed his mind about this.
Talk about arrogant.
Is that how he will continue with his presidency? Lets hope not. He seems to take hold of the twisted "Blame-America First" mentality of the worst of the American far left.
He has demonstrated an absence of wisdom to criticize the United States while on foreign soil, and then join with some of the socialist Democrats in Congress to do everything possible to end American capitalism and create a weak, dependent socialist state patterned after the examples of Europe in the meanwhile showing so much arrogance.
He has taken steps towards nationalizing American auto companies; firing executives while leaving in power the same Union Bosses who funded his campaign and helped cripple the U.S.'s manufacturing base – this is arrogant!
He is refusing to let financial firms pay back taxpayer-funded bailout loans - is this to be able to have something to hold over them in the future?
The stimulus package has a good chance of crippling our free markets with expansive taxation and spending that will destroy our freedoms and puts even our grandchildren in debt.
Anyone who dares speak out against or challenge Obama's agenda, such as the hundreds of thousands of patriots who attended last week's Tea Parties, should now expect to be labeled "unhealthy" by this Administration - That is arrogance!
I hope that Barack Obama's charisma is not concealing inexperience and a lack of wisdom, that is something our country cannot afford in its president. Time will tell for him. He is a promising president but maybe trying to move too quickly and attack too many fronts at once. He is working at a burn-out pace and needs to sit down, relax and look at everything carefully. Don’t do things just to do things, plan things out and carefully examine all the facts. If he can do this effectively, he may have a chance. He was handed a mess and the best thing is to sit down and sort it all out, take things one and a time and fix what needs to be fixed using the right tools. As I turn my thought to razor blades again, don’t use a dull razor or you risk cutting or nicking yourself. My opinion – my explosion of thought.
But why would the president call us, the American people arrogant? Is that how he is portraying us to the world. Is it a good thing to go out to the rest of the world and put the people of you own country down?
This is the same person who was anointed "The One" by many of his supporters. I only know of one being I consider "The One" and that is the Lord God Himself. As a candidate he also boasted that his election would be remembered as "the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal." Does he consider himself a god. This is the man who indicated his disgust for small town and working Americans when he said they "cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them.” I hope he has changed his mind about this.
Talk about arrogant.
Is that how he will continue with his presidency? Lets hope not. He seems to take hold of the twisted "Blame-America First" mentality of the worst of the American far left.
He has demonstrated an absence of wisdom to criticize the United States while on foreign soil, and then join with some of the socialist Democrats in Congress to do everything possible to end American capitalism and create a weak, dependent socialist state patterned after the examples of Europe in the meanwhile showing so much arrogance.
He has taken steps towards nationalizing American auto companies; firing executives while leaving in power the same Union Bosses who funded his campaign and helped cripple the U.S.'s manufacturing base – this is arrogant!
He is refusing to let financial firms pay back taxpayer-funded bailout loans - is this to be able to have something to hold over them in the future?
The stimulus package has a good chance of crippling our free markets with expansive taxation and spending that will destroy our freedoms and puts even our grandchildren in debt.
Anyone who dares speak out against or challenge Obama's agenda, such as the hundreds of thousands of patriots who attended last week's Tea Parties, should now expect to be labeled "unhealthy" by this Administration - That is arrogance!
I hope that Barack Obama's charisma is not concealing inexperience and a lack of wisdom, that is something our country cannot afford in its president. Time will tell for him. He is a promising president but maybe trying to move too quickly and attack too many fronts at once. He is working at a burn-out pace and needs to sit down, relax and look at everything carefully. Don’t do things just to do things, plan things out and carefully examine all the facts. If he can do this effectively, he may have a chance. He was handed a mess and the best thing is to sit down and sort it all out, take things one and a time and fix what needs to be fixed using the right tools. As I turn my thought to razor blades again, don’t use a dull razor or you risk cutting or nicking yourself. My opinion – my explosion of thought.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Our depression/recession and recovery
My prediction in January of 2007 was that unemployment would reach 8% or more before the end of 2008, we have met that goal. It is my belief that 10% is not far out of sight. Economist are still holding on to the hope that things will turn around in the economy by the 3rd quarter of this year and things will start improving. My thought on this is phooey. We are in this for the long haul, like it or not. We still have to pay for all the money the government put out there. I don't see things looking better until at least the middle of 2010 or later. People in the government better get their heads out of the clouds or elsewhere.
Although thoughts vary it will take 2 to 3 years to really see a real recovery. With the money put out by the government in various stimulus packages we have a steep bill to repay. People have less money in their pockets to spend and the paltry tax break given to the middle an low income earners was more of an insult. In a capitalistic society, the economy will eventually correct itself. This correction is needed due to all the artificial influences applied to the economy. Housing prices will need to come inline so more people can afford them ($250,000 is not really affordable or reasonable for anyone earning less than $90,000/year), businesses will have to feel more comfortable about hiring and most important the public will need to feel more comfortable about spending. Prices will need to stabilize throughtout all industries all before we start to see a real recovery. My though goes back to razor blades, keep your eye on the price, when it starts to go down - the recovery will be started. Again just my opinion - my explosion of thought.
Although thoughts vary it will take 2 to 3 years to really see a real recovery. With the money put out by the government in various stimulus packages we have a steep bill to repay. People have less money in their pockets to spend and the paltry tax break given to the middle an low income earners was more of an insult. In a capitalistic society, the economy will eventually correct itself. This correction is needed due to all the artificial influences applied to the economy. Housing prices will need to come inline so more people can afford them ($250,000 is not really affordable or reasonable for anyone earning less than $90,000/year), businesses will have to feel more comfortable about hiring and most important the public will need to feel more comfortable about spending. Prices will need to stabilize throughtout all industries all before we start to see a real recovery. My though goes back to razor blades, keep your eye on the price, when it starts to go down - the recovery will be started. Again just my opinion - my explosion of thought.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Notes on the Economy
Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner told rescue overseers Tuesday America’s banks are still broken despite all their bailout billions. So was this a good plan? U.S. banks and other financial institutions could lose an outragous amount of money as much as $2.7 trillion.
They say that confidence in the bailout program is wearing thin on Capitol Hill. Even the bailout supporters are skeptical that Congress, still weary of bankers’ bonuses and still-scarce credit, would approve additional bank rescue money if requested. Why would they.
The government’s effort to stabilize the financial sector and unclog credit markets has come under heavy scrutiny by almost every sector now. Government officials must do a better job in carrying out and explaining its efforts to shore up the financial system. Things don't seem to be working as planned. I thought this whole process was too rushed to begin with and not thought out too well.
People that have consistently paid their bills on time and never missed a payment are seeing the their TARP-assisted banks raising their interest rates and/or slashing their credit lines. Many are getting their credit limits decreased without notice and then on their next bill they get an over limit fee and a notice telling them if they don't pay the over limit amount in full they will get additional charges and late payment penalties.
Some banks are saying they are now making a profit - well after receiving billions of dollars I would hope so. A bank gets $25 billion in bailout money, then taps into $45 billion more and announces they made 1.5 billion in profit. That math does not work with me, don't they need to repay the $60 billion before they can make a real profit? O, I see that profit is only on paper and that bailout money is not included.
Some banks want to pay back some of the bailout money, they are somewhat unhappy with the strings attached. But then Timothy Geithner said that doesn’t mean the government would necessarily accept the repayments- What! I am kinda lost in all this and I am just expressing my opinion - but I think some of our politicians are a little lost. I guess time will tell, but in the end - you and I the taxpayer will be footing this bill. Mr. middle class citizen, your taxes will be rising in a few years - you can bet on it. The country would have been better off and it would have cost less if they put the money in the hands of the people and let them spend it. The only way you get out of a recession is to spend your way out - but it has to be done in a thought out process. If they suspended the middle and lower income families taxes for 6 months, it would have put money in the right peoples hands and the economy would be showing more improvement. Better still it would have cost us less money. Again, just my thoughts and opinions - feel free to have your own - but look at history and study the facts.
They say that confidence in the bailout program is wearing thin on Capitol Hill. Even the bailout supporters are skeptical that Congress, still weary of bankers’ bonuses and still-scarce credit, would approve additional bank rescue money if requested. Why would they.
The government’s effort to stabilize the financial sector and unclog credit markets has come under heavy scrutiny by almost every sector now. Government officials must do a better job in carrying out and explaining its efforts to shore up the financial system. Things don't seem to be working as planned. I thought this whole process was too rushed to begin with and not thought out too well.
People that have consistently paid their bills on time and never missed a payment are seeing the their TARP-assisted banks raising their interest rates and/or slashing their credit lines. Many are getting their credit limits decreased without notice and then on their next bill they get an over limit fee and a notice telling them if they don't pay the over limit amount in full they will get additional charges and late payment penalties.
Some banks are saying they are now making a profit - well after receiving billions of dollars I would hope so. A bank gets $25 billion in bailout money, then taps into $45 billion more and announces they made 1.5 billion in profit. That math does not work with me, don't they need to repay the $60 billion before they can make a real profit? O, I see that profit is only on paper and that bailout money is not included.
Some banks want to pay back some of the bailout money, they are somewhat unhappy with the strings attached. But then Timothy Geithner said that doesn’t mean the government would necessarily accept the repayments- What! I am kinda lost in all this and I am just expressing my opinion - but I think some of our politicians are a little lost. I guess time will tell, but in the end - you and I the taxpayer will be footing this bill. Mr. middle class citizen, your taxes will be rising in a few years - you can bet on it. The country would have been better off and it would have cost less if they put the money in the hands of the people and let them spend it. The only way you get out of a recession is to spend your way out - but it has to be done in a thought out process. If they suspended the middle and lower income families taxes for 6 months, it would have put money in the right peoples hands and the economy would be showing more improvement. Better still it would have cost us less money. Again, just my thoughts and opinions - feel free to have your own - but look at history and study the facts.
American Idol - Adam Lambert
How can you deny this guy - He is one of the best the show has ever had:
IT (Poem by David Reiner, Copywrite David Reiner)
We increase our simplification
By means of complication
We say it's multiplication
There is no explanation
Award it with starvation
There is no relation
As it suffers to damnation
As it has throughout creation
It suffered through cremation
It now seems like replication
All it wants is realization
Of its appreciation
By means of complication
We say it's multiplication
There is no explanation
Award it with starvation
There is no relation
As it suffers to damnation
As it has throughout creation
It suffered through cremation
It now seems like replication
All it wants is realization
Of its appreciation
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Don't Worry
I don't understand why everyone is so suprised that the economy crashed and everything is in such a sad state. Those who know me, know I predicted the fall of our economy at least 3 years ago when prices were going rampant on everything and employee wages at that time were being kept in check. All you had to do was look at history, housing prices were escalating at a greater pace than what the average wage earner could afford, instead of keeping things in check by increasing interest rates the dumb thinkers in our government let everyone get greedy and kept the rates artificially low. It put money in the Wall Streeters (my term)pockets. Then gas prices started to climb, grocery prices started to climb, clothing prices climbed. We got reports from the government that said inflation was not a worry excluding gas and groceries - WHAT - those two alone afffect more of the population than anything. seeing my grocery prices increase by almost 50% in 3 or 4 years tells me we have inflation. I look at razor blades, a good way to keep track of inflation. 7 years ago I was paying $3.59 for a pack of razor blades, yesterday for the same pack it cost me $14.99 - about a 24% increase. My salary over the past 7 years has not gone up that much. So anyhow - we are now in a semi depression/recession(my prediction). Everyone is frettting and acting suprised and upset. An old song came to mind I think we should all sing dailey - here are the words and a credit to Bobby McFerrin:
Here's a little song I wrote
You might want to sing it note for note
Don't worry, be happy.
In every life we have some trouble
But when you worry you make it double
Don't worry, be happy.Don't worry, be happy now.
(Chorus) Don't worry, be happy.
Don't worry, be happy. Don't worry, be happy. Don't worry, be happy.
Ain't got no place to lay your head
Somebody came and took your bed
Don't worry, be happy.
The landlord say your rent is late
He may have to litigate
Don't worry, be happy.
(Look at me -- I'm happy. Don't worry, be happy. Here I give you my phone number. When you worry, call me, I make you happy. Don't worry, be happy.)
Ain't got no cash, ain't got no style
Ain't got no gal to make you smile
Don't worry, be happy.
'Cause when you worry your face will frown
And that will bring everybody down
Don't worry, be happy.
(Don't worry, don't worry, don't do it. Be happy. Put a smile on your face. Don't bring everybody down. Don't worry. It will soon pass, whatever it is. Don't worry, be happy. I'm not worried, I'm happy...)
Here's a little song I wrote
You might want to sing it note for note
Don't worry, be happy.
In every life we have some trouble
But when you worry you make it double
Don't worry, be happy.Don't worry, be happy now.
(Chorus) Don't worry, be happy.
Don't worry, be happy. Don't worry, be happy. Don't worry, be happy.
Ain't got no place to lay your head
Somebody came and took your bed
Don't worry, be happy.
The landlord say your rent is late
He may have to litigate
Don't worry, be happy.
(Look at me -- I'm happy. Don't worry, be happy. Here I give you my phone number. When you worry, call me, I make you happy. Don't worry, be happy.)
Ain't got no cash, ain't got no style
Ain't got no gal to make you smile
Don't worry, be happy.
'Cause when you worry your face will frown
And that will bring everybody down
Don't worry, be happy.
(Don't worry, don't worry, don't do it. Be happy. Put a smile on your face. Don't bring everybody down. Don't worry. It will soon pass, whatever it is. Don't worry, be happy. I'm not worried, I'm happy...)
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